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Waterford Council call for applicants for Festival Grants for 2021

2020 has been a challenging year for all and in particular the arts and culture sector.  Each year Waterford Council supports a wide range of festivals and events across the city and county and plans are already progressing to continue to support a programme of festivals and events in 2021.

Festival and event organisers across Waterford are being encouraged to submit their application for funding for next year’s events.  While the final budget allocated for festivals and events will be agreed later this year as part of the Council’s annual budget process, the call now highlights the value that Waterford Council places on the many community and voluntary committees and professional arts organisations that bring arts, culture and vibrancy to Waterford.

Applications can be submitted online at from October 6th and the closing date for applications is Friday November 6th.  This year’s application reflects the impact that Covid has had on events in 2020 and invites applicants to consider how they can be creative in the programming of their event to ensure all or part of it can go ahead if the level of local or national restrictions change and to make sure they have measures in place to ensure public safety.

A helpline will be open from October 6th to November 6th to answer any queries relating to the application process – 0761 10 2169

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