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Waterford Council’s membership of “Leave No Trace” campaign marked

Deputy Mayor of Waterford City & County Council Councillor Seánie Power joined Johnny Brunnock, Trails Officer and Ella Ryan, Environment Awareness Officer, Waterford City and County Council to mark Waterford City and County Council’s membership of Leave No Trace Ireland.

Waterford City & County Council is asking for the public’s help in ensuring the county’s beaches, parks and beauty spots are amongst the cleanest in Ireland this summer, as the local authority launches their membership of Leave No Trace.

Leave No Trace promotes responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships. As more of us seek the beauty and pleasure of outdoor recreation this year, our combined effect on the environment increases. Litter, water pollution, disturbance of vegetation, wildlife, livestock, etc. are all markers of the need to protect our county’s nature.

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