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Williamstown Golf Course re-open to members on 18th May 2020

As per the Irish government’s roadmap, Williamstown Golf Course will reopen on Monday 18th May. During this initial period the course will be open to MEMBERS ONLY LIVING WITHIN 5KM of the golf course. The course will be open Monday – Friday 8am – 4.30pm sharp and Saturday & Sunday 8am – 8pm sharp. These opening times will be reviewed weekly.

In order for us to remain open there are certain protocols which have been developed by the GUI & ILGU that we all must adhere to, any breach in these protocols may result in us having to reclose.


  1. Tee times must be booked in advance. Booking can be made during office hours on 0761102610. Players who attempt to turn up at the course without a booking WILL NOT BE ACCOMMODATED and will be asked to leave. Tee times will be in 15 min slots and no more than 3 people may play together in a group.
  2. Social & physical distancing rules should apply at all times during your round but also in the car park and surrounding areas. Please ensure you have adequate balls , markers & tees to avoid sharing equipment.
  3. You should arrive no more than 15 min before your allotted tee time, if you do please remain in your car. Shoes should be changed in the car park and players should only make their way to the 1st tee a maximum of 10 mins before their allotted tee time. Players may use this time to have a short practice on the putting and chipping greens however they must be ready to tee off on time.
  4. The practice putting and chipping greens will remain closed, other than to those who have an allotted tee time and are using them in advance of teeing off. There will be no flags on greens at this point and each player should remove his/her own ball from the hole. There will also be no rakes in bunkers & players are asked to smooth footprints as best they can with their club or foot.
  5. The clubhouse will remain closed at this time which means there will be no access to toilet facilities. There will also be no trolleys or buggies available for hire at this time. Maintenance and Office staff will also be on site during this time and we would ask you keep a safe distance at all times. Sanitizer will be available at the course for all golfers.

To make a booking or pay membership  fees our office will be open Tuesday 12th – Friday 15th 8am -4.30pm – 0761 10 26 10.

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you to Williamstown Golf Course in the near future.

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