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“Paint Smarter” with

Stop wasting money on excess paint with these 10 simple tips

Every year we in the South East waste hundreds of Euros buying excess paint.

So often we buy the wrong type, colour or amount because we all think that “bigger is better value” and we will definitely use that paint again.

Seriously, how many times have you gone to the shed or garage and stumbled over stacks of half-empty paint cans that seem to magically multiply every year?

Or do you stand in your local paint shop, scratching your head when asked: “So, how much paint do you need?”

If you have answered yes to any of these questions you need to know about Paint Smarter.

Paint is a frequent but preventable type of waste brought to recycling centres across the South East.  Over purchasing seems to be a likely culprit as well as the lack of knowledge about storing leftover paint correctly.

And don’t forget – painting your room will work out even cheaper if you don’t waste paint!

This has prompted the “Paint Smarter” campaign, a collaboration between Waterford, Kilkenny and Carlow Local Authorities to devise 10 top tips on how to avoid wasting your money on paint.

Deciding to give a room a lick of paint is a daunting task for most of us and something that we put off as long as we can.

The Paint Smarter tips can have you shaping up for home improvements that would even amaze Dermot Bannon!

Calculating the amount of paint needed is easy if you use an online paint calculator, but if maths isn’t your strong point, just bring your room measurements (length by breath) to your local paint shop and they’ll gladly assist you with your purchase.

It’s always important to minimise the amount of time that your paint is left exposed to the air, so as you paint, only pour only what you need into your tray and put the lid back on the tin straight away. Make sure you wipe the excess, the bits that dribble down the side of the tin, to avoid compromising the rest of the paint.

The Painting Smarter campaign will not only teach you how to avoid wasting money but will also provide you with lots of tools and tips to make the most of what you buy.

Keep an eye on the social media pages of your local authority for great advice from Marianne the “Revamp Tramp” ” a renowned furniture up-cycler from Waterford who has joined forces with the campaign. She has plenty of top tips for anyone using paint in furniture upcycling projects to help us all to stop being a waster and learn to paint smarter.

Beat is also on board and will be reminding you all to think before you paint as well as having THREE €100 One4All vouchers up for grabs! So before you take on a Christmas project check out the Paint Smarter tips at See for additional information.

Waterford City & County Council statement regarding Homesavers Interim Planning injunction

** UPDATE **, 26th November 2020

Statement by Waterford City and County Council in the case V Centz Retail Holdings, trading as “Homesavers”

Waterford City and County Council wish to advise the interim planning injunction against Centz Retail Holdings, trading as “Homesavers” has been lifted by the High Court in a hearing yesterday (25th November 2020). The case to seek a Section 60 Planning Injunction will be before the High Court on 7th December 2020 for a full hearing.


Waterford City and County Council undertook court proceedings against Centz Retail Holdings Ltd  trading as “Homesavers”

following the commencement of trading by “Homesavers” at two locations in Dungarvan  and Kingsmeadow and the fitting out of a third unit in Tramore for retail use, without any authorisation or planning permission for general retail uses. This constitutes a material, and significant, change in use of each of the three properties concerned which was commenced by the operators without any prior consultation or engagement with the planning authority.

Waterford City and County Council sought the Interim Planning injunction in the context of its statutory function  to regulate development and ensure adherence to the proper planning  and sustainable development of its functional area and to protect the vitality and viability of the  City and town centres for the good of the local community including other retailers.

The High Court granted this interim injunction on Thursday 19th November and Homesavers have ceased trading in Dungarvan and Kingsmeadow, and the unit in Tramore remains closed, on foot of that court order.  However, Homesavers are continuing to challenge this interim injunction and the matter currently remains before the court.


DEADLINE: Inclusion on the annual draft Register of Electors

A new Register of Electors is compiled each year, and the draft of this is published on 1st February of the following year.

You can be included on the draft register by completing Form RFA and returning it to the Franchise Section of Waterford City and County Council.

The public is invited to check the Draft Register to make sure they are correctly registered.

You have until the 25th November 2020 to make a correction or have your name included on the draft Register. The Live Register of Electors is then published on 1st February of the following year and comes into force on the 15th February.

To be able to vote in an election or referendum, a person’s name must be entered in the Register of Electors for the locality in which the person ordinarily resides.

Please note it is a person’s own responsibility to ensure that they are registered (or de-registered), and/or to inform the local authority of a change of address. A person may be registered at one address only.

Application Forms

Foirmeacha Iarratais



Waterford City Councils Estate Management Team and Waterford Sports Partnership have come together to bring your area the following free Zoom events for you and your family! We invite you to join in with qualified trainers and instructors for a little healthy activity, safely at home. There are three events weekly for two weeks, and all you have to do is book FREE on eventbrite to get the Zoom link!! Stay Safe everyone.

Title: WSP/WCCC Lismore Women on the Zoom Date: Tuesday 24th November Time: 6.00 – 6.30pm Duration : 2 weeks Cost: FREE EB places: 24 Registration Link:

Title: WSP/WCCC Lismore Men on the Zoom Date: Thursday 26th November Time: 6.00 – 6.30pm Duration : 2 weeksCost: FREE

EB places: 24 Registration Link:

Title: WSP/WCCC Lismore Family Yoga at home Date: Saturday 28th November & Sunday 6th December Time: 10.15-10.45 Duration: 2 weeks Cost: FREE EB places: 24 Registration link :

Restricted Opening Hours : Waterford Dog Shelter

Restricted Opening Hours : Waterford Dog Shelter

Opening Hours
FROM Monday, 23rd November 2020 TO: Saturday, 28th November 2020

  • MONDAY 23rd November 2020, TO FRIDAY 27th November 2020

Restricted opening hours will apply

  • SATURDAY 28th November 2020 CLOSED

For enquiries and access to the shelter, please telephone 0761 10 20 20 or e-mail

MONDAY 30th November 2020 onwards –

Usual opening hours apply

  • Monday to Friday 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm
  • Saturday 11am to 1pm


Vote for Kilbarry Nature Park in the People’s Choice Awards 2020

Help Kilbarry Nature Park become the world’s favourite Green Flag Award park by voting for it in the People’s Choice Awards 2020 at

Kilbarry Nature Park received two Green Flag Awards in September and was the first remediated landfill to win this award. This award scheme is an international mark of quality which recognises the efforts of local community engagement with green space involvement.

Kilbarry Nature Park is a safe, secure and accessible amenity in the heart of Waterford City which encompasses an integrated wetland, wildflower meadows, Kilbarry Bog and promotes good practice in the management of native flora and fauna. A former municipal landfill site, the area has been re-mediated to create a popular space for the community.

New Campaign calls for citizens to fight against Illegal Dumping & Fly Tipping

New Communications Campaign calls for all Citizens to get involved in the Fight Against Illegal Dumping and Fly Tipping in Ireland.

– There has been an 11% increase in the number of calls reporting illegal dumping during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Every county, city, town and village across Ireland is being called upon to join the fight against illegal dumping through a new communications campaign, “Your Country – Your Waste”, launched on Friday November 13, 2020, by the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan TD.

The “Your Country – Your Waste” campaign has been developed as part of the 2020 Anti-Dumping Initiative,* and includes a tailored suite of information and awareness messaging for use by Local Authorities, community and voluntary groups during 2020 and into 2021. It will begin with a week-long social media campaign on’s** social media platforms.

Speaking at the launch Minister Ryan said, “Earlier this year, my Department provided €3 million for the 2020 National Anti-Dumping Initiative which will fund over 300 projects to tackle the problem of illegal dumping. Illegal dumping negatively impacts our communities, destroys our environment and costs significant exchequer funding to remove. The “Your Country – Your Waste” campaign delivers on a commitment made in the enforcement chapter of the recently-published Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy. It will highlight relevant contact numbers and email addresses to help make it easy for people to report illegal dumping. The campaign will enhance collaboration between the public and the relevant authorities on awareness raising and in taking action.”

There has been an 11% increase in the number of calls reporting illegal dumping during the Covid 19 pandemic. This year, €1 million of the Anti -Dumping Initiative allocation was ring fenced to deal with particular issues arising from the Covid-19 crisis. The increase in the number of reports received through the National Complaints Procedure by city and county councils indicates that people do not want illegal dumping or fly tipping in their counties, cities, towns, villages or countryside and are willing to assist in combatting this behaviour.

Nicholas Bond, Coordinator for WERLA***, Southern Region said, “As illegal dumping complaints are on the rise, the public are encouraged to inform Local Authorities of instances of illegal dumping activity, which can then be followed up and investigated thoroughly.

“Materials produced as part of this campaign, will be utilised by both local authorities and local and voluntary community groups and will visually highlight the negative aspect of illegal dumping and encourage citizens to report incidences of illegal dumping to their local authority,” he said.

He also advised, “Waste services continue to operate normally during the pandemic and householders should ensure that they only use an authorised waste collector or their local civic amenity or recycling centre to dispose of household waste.”

For more information on campaign materials please go to


Note to Editor:

*The 2020 Anti-Dumping Initiative aims to reduce incidents of illegal dumping nationally by providing funding for projects to tackle the problem, using a collaborative approach involving local authorities, communities and other State Agencies. Education and awareness measures play a key role in encouraging long-term behavioural change in this area.

** is Ireland’s official guide to managing waste. On the site you will find everything you need to know about how to manage your waste responsibly and efficiently. People are encourage to browse this site for local waste services, recycling facilities, information on preventing, reusing and disposing of waste.

***WERLA: Three Waste Enforcement Regional Lead Authorities (WERLA), covering the Connacht-Ulster, Eastern Midlands and Southern Regional, were established in 2015 with responsibility for co-ordinating the waste enforcement actions of local authorities, setting priorities and common objectives for waste enforcement and ensuring consistency of enforcement of waste legislation while leaving local authority personnel as first responders on the ground.

Launch of “Think Before You Flush” campaign

Irish Water deals with 2,000 sewer blockages caused by wipes every month

To launch the fifth year of the Think Before You Flush campaign, Clean Coasts in partnership with Irish Water are inviting the public to join the celebration of World Toilet Day on Thursday November 19.

The United Nations’ World Toilet Day celebrates toilets and raises awareness of the 4.2 billion people worldwide living without access to safely managed sanitation. It is about taking action to tackle the global sanitation crisis and achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030.

The Think Before You Flush campaign highlights the problems caused by flushing items such as wipes and cotton buds down the toilet. Research has found that 30 percent of people living in Ireland admit to flushing items such as wipes and cotton buds down the toilet, causing detrimental effects on the wastewater network and the marine environment. Every month Irish Water clears approximately 2,000 blockages from the wastewater network. About 75 percent of blockages are caused by inappropriate items such as wipes and sanitary products being flushed down the toilet. As a result of COVID-19, people are using more wipes than ever to keep hands and surfaces clean. While it is critical that we follow the HSE guidance on hand-washing and coughing etiquette, it is important that we dispose of items like wipes correctly. A simple solution is to dispose of wipes, cotton buds and other sanitary products in the bin and to only flush the 3 P’s – pee, poo and paper down the toilet.

On World Toilet Day, Clean Coasts are reminding people that our actions at home can help to keep our beaches clean. To spread awareness and celebrate World Toilet Day, Clean Coasts are running an online competition to win a year’s supply of sustainable toilet paper. Competition details on available on @TheUselessProject and @CleanCoasts Instagram pages.

Speaking about the campaign Sinead McCoy, Clean Coasts Officer said: “The Think Before You Flush campaign was set up as a result of finding sewage related waste such as wipes on Irish beaches. 80 percent of marine litter originates from inland sources. Something as simple as a wipe can travel from a flushed toilet to the ocean and finally the beach possibly causing blockages and damage to marine life as it makes its journey. We are delighted to partner with Irish Water to spread this important message. Simply put a bin in your bathroom and always #thinkb4uflush”.

Talking about the size and scale of the problem associated with flushing the wrong things down the toilet, Niall O’Riordan, Regional Operations Wastewater Lead, Irish Water said, “Every day people flush thousands of sanitary items such as wet wipes and cotton buds down the toilet instead of simply putting them in the bin. This causes blockages in our network, pumping stations and wastewater treatment plants. We clear approximately 2,000 blockages from our wastewater network every month.

Mr. O’Riordan continued “We are delighted to continue our partnership with Clean Coasts to deliver this important campaign together. We would like to thank the public for their ongoing support in the ‘Think Before You Flush’ campaign and together with Clean Coasts shine a light on the importance of World Toilet Day”.

Whilst ‘Think Before You Flush’ is a national campaign that is promoted across the country, every year we work with numerous communities including businesses and schools to deliver educational workshops and engage the local residents in the campaign.

More information about the Think Before You Flush campaign can be found at


Redouble efforts to drive down Covid-19 – a joint appeal by the HSE, Waterford City and County Council and the Gardai

The HSE, Waterford City and County Council and the Gardai are appealing to people locally to redouble their efforts to drive down transmissions of Covid-19.

The three principal response agencies have expressed their concern at the substantial rise in figures of confirmed cases in Co. Waterford recorded by the National Public Health Emergency Team (NEPHT) over recent days.

The HSE, the local authority and the Gardai say the vast majority of the public in city and county areas have been brilliant throughout the recent level 5 and other stages of pandemic management. The three agencies acknowledge the huge sacrifices that have been made by individuals, families and communities in Co. Waterford and have reiterated the message that if people apply “the basics” that such actions to suppress the virus can and will work.

Since the declaration of the pandemic in March of this year, in general, the Waterford and South East area has excelled in efforts to maintain low levels of Covid-19 transmission. The HSE, Waterford City and County Council and the Gardai say the increase of recent days can be reversed, as has happened previously, and that things can return to moving in the right direction for the remainder of the current phase of pandemic management.

The HSE, Waterford City and County Council and the Gardai, in reminding the public to comply with Level 5 restrictions are once more highlighting the message that “it’s in our hands” – via the continued practice of the “basics”:

  • Reduce your contacts with other people.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Keep your distance.
  • Wash your hands.


Local Authority Graduate Programme 2020

The Local Government Management Agency are inviting all prospective applicants to apply for the Local Authority Graduate Programme 2020.

The LGMA has been tasked with organising and co-ordinating the Graduate recruitment campaign.  All interested applicants for this recruitment campaign should access the LGMA website (see link below) where from Monday the 16th November, 2020 they will be able to download the application form and information booklet. All completed application forms must be submitted to the LGMA via the e-mail address

Closing date for receipt of completed applications is 3pm Thursday, 17th December, 2020.

Notice of Local Authority Budget

Notice is hereby given that the Budget of Waterford City and County Council for the Financial Year ending 31st December 2021 has been prepared and will be considered by the Waterford City and County Council at the Budget Meeting to be held at 5.00 p.m. on Friday 27th November 2020 as a remote (on-line / virtual) meeting as provided for in the Civil and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 (Section 29) (Local Authorities) (Designation) Order 2020 (S.I No. 445 of 2020).

A copy of same can be inspected free of charge by any member of the public at the Customer Services Desks, Baileys New Street, Waterford and Davitts Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. The offices are open for the transaction of official business on an appointment basis only.

A copy of the Budget of Expenses will be supplied to any person making application at a price of €5.

Michael Walsh
Chief Executive, Waterford City & County Council.
17th November 2020.

DEADLINE: Inclusion on the annual draft Register of Electors

A new Register of Electors is compiled each year, and the draft of this is published on 1st February of the following year.

You can be included on the draft register by completing Form RFA and returning it to the Franchise Section of Waterford City and County Council.

The public is invited to check the Draft Register to make sure they are correctly registered.

You have until the 25th November 2020 to make a correction or have your name included on the draft Register. The Live Register of Electors is then published on 1st February of the following year and comes into force on the 15th February.

To be able to vote in an election or referendum, a person’s name must be entered in the Register of Electors for the locality in which the person ordinarily resides.

Please note it is a person’s own responsibility to ensure that they are registered (or de-registered), and/or to inform the local authority of a change of address. A person may be registered at one address only.

Application Forms

Foirmeacha Iarratais