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New City Centre Parking incentive introduced

“BUY 1st Hour, get 2nd Hour Free”

From Thursday 11th June, 2020 to 31st July, 2020 a new parking concession to incentivise business and trade in Waterford City Centre will be introduced.  The initiative applies to car parks operated privately and to those run by Waterford City & County Council.

Under the scheme, when a motorists pays for the 1st hour parking, they will receive the 2nd hour free.  Pay & Display machines have been calibrated to add the time to the ticket dispensed.

All the usual parking enforcement will apply and all machines will be calibrated to issue a 2 hour ticket when one hour is requested.

Due to the current remedial works in Grattan Square, Dungarvan, parking is FREE in this Car park from Friday 12th June, 2020 to Friday 31st July, 2020.

Some FAQs on the scheme are listed below … please email for further information.

FAQs relating to the “BUY 1st Hour, get 2nd Hour Free” parking concession.

  • P&D machines have been calibrated to add the extra time to the ticket dispensed.
  • If you pay for 2 hours or more, you will still only receive one hour free.
  • If you pay for a portion of an hour i.e. the minimum payment, you do not get any free parking.
  • Jenkins Lane car park has a 3 hour max stay.   The machine will only accept the price of 2 hours and give the 3rd hour free to comply with the restriction of 3 hours.
  • There are no changes to the weekly or all-day tickets at Waterside Car park or Millar’s Marsh Car park.
  • Bolton Street Car park – €1.00 per hour, no max stay – pay 1st hour, get 2nd free i.e. one additional hour added to number of hours paid for.
  • O’Connell Street – there is a max stay of 1 hour.   However for the duration of this initiative if you pay for 1st hour you will receive the 2nd hour free, thus allowing 2 hours stay on the street for this period only.
  • Pay & Display machines do not give change.

#StayLocal #StaySafe #TogetherWaterfordisStronger #MyWaterford

Waterford’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan launched

Waterford is preparing to bounce back from the impact of the COVID-19 restrictions and is aiming to do so in a responsive and collaborative manner. Waterford’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan (Draft) launched today (Monday 8th June 2020) details a range of innovative and creative measures including:

  • pedestrianising some locations in the city and town centres
  • incentivising food and beverage retailers to develop outdoor seating areas,
  • implementing a tourism promotion campaign showcasing the Great Outdoors in Waterford,
  • mentoring professional advice and a business restart grant scheme,
  • working with arts and cultural organisations to animate the public realm,
  • installation of thermal imaging terminals to encourage safe shopping in City Centre,
  • incentivised parking in the City Centre to increase shopping dwell times,
  • promoting a Shop Waterford Support Local campaign.
  • Download the draft document here – Waterford Covid19 Economic Recovery Plan (DRAFT)

Waterford businesses are known for resilience and have shown this spirit for survival since mid March when our City and town centres essentially closed down overnight. Many excellent models of business resilience emerged and initiatives such as #LoveWaterford and Waterford Online gained national recognition for their ingenuity and clarity of message.

The clear and resounding message from Waterford business has been Shop Waterford and Support Local and a campaign with this message was launched on 19th May 2020. The campaign will continue throughout the recovery phase with a call to Waterford people to Support Local jobs by Buying Waterford whenever and wherever possible. The Waterford and Dungarvan Chamber shopping vouchers are being promoted as the Waterford Shop Local voucher scheme and local companies are being asked to support this initiative.

The Mayor of the City and County of Waterford said at the launch, “Waterford’s COVID Economic Recovery plan is about all of Waterford working together to be stronger. This plan is not just for Waterford City, or the larger towns of Dungarvan and Tramore. It is also for all the rural towns and villages from Tallow and Ballyduff in the West to Portlaw and Passage in the East and all points in between. We want to rebuild and recover as One Waterford and this plan allows us the flexibility and the focus to do this”

Waterford’s capital investment in the wide pedestrianised areas throughout our town and city centres will stand us in good stead in the recovery and re-imagining of Waterford post COVID-19.

The plan to turn our city and town centres “inside out” is well advanced with a draft funding proposal before the elected members for decision later this month. Retailers wishing to avail of the Outdoor Street Furniture scheme are urged to apply for The Outdoor Furniture Section 254 licence from today. Waterford Council is waiving the S. 254 licence fee for 2020 so as to assist all eligible businesses apply for the financial assistance under the Outdoor Street Furniture of 75% of outlay up to a maximum of €2,000.

Waterford Council presentation teams have been working throughout the COVID restrictions to ensure our public spaces are best presented for reopening on 8th June. Intensive street cleaning has been undertaken, City in Bloom flower baskets are in place, Social Distancing signage will be an aid to shoppers and along with measures by local businesses will provide safe shopping environment for both customers and staff. Waterford City and County Council working in partnership with TQS Integration from Lismore is developing a pilot Thermal Imaging Reader to add an additional level of safety for shoppers in Waterford City Centre by providing public access to thermal imaging terminals in the City Centre. Standard Operating Procedures for Reopening have been developed and are available for retailers and businesses to use when planning for reopening.

Financial supports for businesses to provide a safe environment are available from the Waterford Council COVID-19 Restart Grant alongside a wide range of supports from the Waterford LEO office. An online Business Support Hub launched in May 2020 has brought together all of the resources, support measures and best practice advice and is an excellent one stop shop for businesses. Waterford LEO is providing free online advisory HR, H&S, finance and digital clinics to any business which is in need of specific tailored advice.

The COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan includes a range of measures which the Tourism and Cultural sectors will be involved with as part of the economic recovery of Waterford. The promotion of Waterford as a location of choice for the domestic market will focus on the numerous stunning Great Outdoor amenities and activities across Waterford City and County. Cultural activities will adapt to mainly safely organised outdoor events with a focus on animating and engaging our public realm.

The wide range of measures are detailed in the Waterford COVID 19 Economic Recovery Plan which has been agreed following an extensive consultation with representatives of Waterford City and Town centre management groups, business and industry sector, retail and hospitality sector, elected members of Waterford Council, key agencies and organisations including WIT, Enterprise Ireland, Fáilte Ireland, Visit Waterford and internal consultations with Waterford Council’s Tourism, Rural Development, Marketing and Culture teams. The plan is fluid and responsive and will need to adapt as Waterford recovers and re emerges from COVID-19.


For Press Queries please contact

Claire Hartley – 087 2905194

Irish Water issues National Water Conservation Order

Irish Water issues National Water Conservation Order in a bid to safeguard supply for essential purposes

Water levels in Bohernabreena Reservoir, Co Dublin on 5 June.  The water has already dropped to the level it was in July 2018 when the last Water Conservation Order was introduced.

Irish Water has confirmed that a National Water Conservation Order commonly referred to as a hosepipe ban will be in place from Tuesday 9 June until Tuesday 21 July. Four weeks ago, Irish Water urged the public to choose handwashing over power washing as domestic water usage increased as people stayed at home in response to the Covid-19 crisis. Now, the increased domestic demand and increase in commercial demand as businesses are reopening is being exacerbated by warm weather and the widespread emergence of drought conditions. 

The Water Conservation Order has been issued in a bid to safeguard water supplies for essential purposes. Advertisements will appear in the national papers today (Monday 8 June) in line with statutory requirements outlining the prohibition of the use of garden hoses and other non-essential uses of water.

Met Eireann has confirmed that May 2020 was the driest since 1850. Their data shows that temperatures were above average in nearly all areas and rainfall totals in every county were below average for the season, with the Greater Dublin Area, Westmeath, Sligo and Tipperary experiencing their driest spring on record.   Since March, Irish Water has been carefully monitoring all of its raw water sources, that is the water from lakes, rivers, springs and ground sources that feed our water treatment plants. Of Irish Water’s 900 drinking water schemes, 27 currently are in drought and 50 are at risk of going into drought.  The weather forecast is for a continuation of drier than normal conditions which will further exacerbate the situation.

Irish Water’s data shows dramatic spikes of water usage on very sunny days. During the June Bank holiday, the exceptionally warm saw an equivalent daily increase of water usage for an additional 200,000 people being used in the Greater Dublin Area. This increase in demand was replicated across the country. Given the current pressures on the water sources, this level of demand cannot be accommodated in the coming weeks.

The amount of rainfall needed to replenish supplies varies around the country and is site specific however Irish Water estimate that a minimum accumulation of 100mm rainfall spread over a number of weeks would be required and normal rainfall levels after that before the threat to water sources would pass.

The Conservation Order prohibits the use of garden hosepipes and other non-essential uses of water by domestic users and commercial premises for non-commercial activities for example watering gardens attached to a business premises. The Water Conservation Order (hosepipe ban) will be in place until midnight on Tuesday 21 July.

Niall Gleeson, Managing Director of Irish Water, says: “Irish Water’s top priority during the current dry period is to protect our water supply for use in homes and businesses and for essential sanitation during the Covid-19 crisis. As demand continues to outstrip supply and the dry weather looks set to continue, Irish Water has taken the extra step of implementing a Water Conservation Order.

 “It is very clear from Irish Water’s data that that warm weather creates a surge in demand of water. Such weather brings people into their gardens and makes the use of hoses more likely. Similarly with children confined to home, it can be tempting to use paddling pools etc., however, using a hosepipe for one hour is the equivalent of the daily water usage of an average family and this is evidently a non-essential use of water.”

 ”Irish Water will continue to analyse water consumption levels nationally while the National Water Conservation Order is in place. It is essential that our water supply is protected if we are to avoid restrictions and outages over the coming weeks and months.”

 “During this time we are supporting and advising our commercial large water users on their conservation efforts and we are grateful for all of the measures they have taken so far. We are also working with our Local Authority partners and others to ramp up leak detection and repair, particularly in water stressed areas.”

“There are lots of helpful tips for conserving water on [%20%20] but the key messages are to leave the hose and the pressure washer in the shed; don’t use paddling pools; reuse household water for the garden; and take shorter showers. Safeguarding the supply of water is essential at this time when handwashing and hygiene is of critical importance. We are calling on everyone to play their part.”


 For media queries please contact / 087 145 8896

 Note to Editors

Water Conservation Order

The prohibited uses are as follows:

Use of water drawn through a hosepipe or similar apparatus for the purpose of –

  1. watering a garden
  2. cleaning a private motor-vehicle using a domestic hosepipe
  3. cleaning a private leisure boat
  4. filling or maintaining a domestic swimming or paddling pool (except when using hand held containers filled directly from a tap)
  5. filling or maintaining a domestic pond (excluding fish ponds)
  6. filling or maintaining an ornamental fountain (with the exception of such use for commercial purposes)
  7. filling or replenishing an artificial pond, lake or similar application.

This prohibition will apply from 00:01am Tuesday 9 June until 00:00am Tuesday 21 July

Waterford Libraries launch “Contact and Collect” Service

Waterford Libraries are delighted to launch their new “Contact and Collect” service. Contact and Collect is the first step in gradually reopening library services as part of the National Phase 2 Roadmap to Recovery.  The service is available from two Waterford Libraries (Dungarvan Library and Central Library, Lady Lane) from June 8th.

From June 8th, library members can phone and speak to a staff member at 0761 10 2484, Monday to Friday from  9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or email  Friendly and expert library staff will discuss your book preferences and will select up to five books for collection by appointment from either Central or Dungarvan Libraries.

Waterford Libraries are working hard to ensure the safety of our customers and staff. We will arrange a collection appointment and location with each customer and will ensure that social distancing rules are adhered to at all times. The health and safety of library customers and staff is at the forefront of all decisions regarding the gradual re-opening of library services. The library management team are working with national guidelines in relation to social distancing and sanitation to provide safe library services.

Library materials can also be returned to Dungarvan Library and Central Library from June 8th. Any items you have on loan can be returned to the library at your Contact and Collect appointment or they can be returned at specific times. Further information and frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) are available on our phone line 0761 10 2484, on the Waterford Libraries website and via library social media platforms

Waterford Libraries will continue their expansive collection of online library services such as BorrowBox (online books), PressReader (online newspapers) and will roll out a series of workshops for children and young people as part of Cruinniú na ná nÓg, Ireland’s festival of creativity for youth in June on the library website People who are not yet members of Waterford Libraries can join the library service online and avail of a huge range of free online materials and activities. Email or visit the library website for further details.


Note to editors

Please contact Jane Cantwell, Waterford City and County Librarian  / 087 2235434

Making of a Vesting Order: No. 4, 2020 – Farronshoneen Waterford

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN GIVEN that Waterford City & County Council (hereinafter called “the Council”) has pursuant to the powers vested in it by Section 80 of the Housing Act, 1966,as applied by Section 10 of the Local Government (No.2) Act 1960 (as substituted by Section 86 of the Housing Act 1966) on the 3rd day of June 2020 made a Vesting Order whereby the lands specified in the Schedule hereto will on the 6th
day of July 2020 VEST in the Council in fee simple free from encumbrances and all estate rights titles and interests of whatsoever kind.

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a map of the said lands and a copy of the said Vesting Order has been included on our website at

Recruitment: Craft Gardener

We are currently recruiting for a Craft Gardener.

The Craft Gardener, Parks & Open Spaces, is a member of a team responsible for maintaining the parks and open spaces in Waterford City & County under the control of Waterford City & County Council. He/she will support the General Services Supervisor and Horticulturalist/Executive Engineer in the delivery of the day to day functions undertaken in Parks & Open Spaces. The initial assignment for this post will be in Waterford City.

Full details, application forms etc. from this link:

Closing Date: 4pm, Friday 12th June 2020

Cruinniu na nOg children’s conservation and traditional craft online workshops

Calling all young budding conservationists …

Would you like to know more about Stone work and Cracking Stone with Fire, Water, Plugs and Feathers” Wood conservation, How stained glass is made,  Gilding and Historic Paint Effects, Georgian architecture ?

The Irish Georgian Society and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht are hosting a series of free online Cruinniu na nOg children’s conservation and traditional craft workshops and lecture on Saturday 13 June. These workshops are free and details on how to go online are available on

Reminder: Temporary Road Closure N72, Tourin Junction

A section of the N72 Road west of Cappoquin at Tourin Junction will be closed on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th June to facilitate boundary wall repairs.  Please allow an additional 30 minutes for your journey.

Roads to be closed:

  • The N72 at Tourin Junction west of Cappoquin.
  • The L-1018 Tourin Road.

Diversion Routes:

  • Travelling from Cappoquin to Lismore divert via R669 Melleray Road and onto the R668 Vee Road to Lismore.
  • Travelling from Lismore to Cappoquin divert via R668 Vee Road and onto the R669 Melleray Road to Cappoquin.
  • Travelling from Tourin to Lismore divert via L-5050 at Tourin Junction.
  • Local access will be provided along routes.

Reminder: Online Book of Condolences open for Brendan Bowyer RIP

Online Book of Condolences opens for Brendan Bowyer, Freeman of Waterford City

The Mayor of the City and County of Waterford, Cllr. John Pratt expresses his sincere condolences to the family of the late Brendan Bowyer RIP, who passed away in Las Vegas last evening surrounded by his family.  Brendan Bowyer, who was awarded the Freedom of Waterford City in 2011, is survived by his wife Stella, children Brendan Jr, Aisling and Clodagh and his two grandchildren Liam and Nora Stella.

Cllr. Pratt said “Brendan Bowyer was a true Waterford man and is remembered fondly by Waterford people for his iconic career throughout the showband era. His 1965 Number One hit “The Hucklebuck” is a favourite of many Waterford people. He memorably brought Waterford to life with a memorable rendition in Lombard Street during the 2005 Tall Ships event. He will be sadly missed and remembered by Waterford people”.

Brendan Bowyer was honoured to have the Freedom of Waterford City bestowed on him by the then Mayor of Waterford City, Cllr. Mary Roche who said, ”It was an honour to be part of such a memorable occasion and who more fitting to receive the award than Brendan Bowyer of the Royal Showband which put Waterford on the international map.”

A Book of Condolences is open online at and we encourage the people of Waterford to add their own personal message. The Book of Condolences will remain open until Monday 8th June 2020.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.

Photo Credit: Noel Browne


Waterford businesses encouraged to apply for Local Authority Restart Grant in Phase 2 of Roadmap to Recovery

As the country moves into Phase 2 of the Government’s Roadmap to Recovery, small businesses that have managed to operate through the pandemic, recently reopened or are due to reopen are being encouraged to apply for the Local Authority Restart Grant through Waterford City and County Council.

The Restart Grant gives direct grant aid to micro and small businesses to help them with the costs associated with reopening and reemploying workers following COVID-19 closures and is available to businesses with a turnover of less than €5m and employing 50 people or less, which were closed or impacted by at least a 25% reduction in turnover up to June 30th, 2020.

Businesses due to reopen under Phase 2 (June 8th) include small retail outlets and marts.

Michael Walsh, Chief Executive of Waterford City and County Council said the grant, is based on the equivalent to the rates bill of the business in 2019 and if a company is currently in a rateable premise but was not rate-assessed in 2019 it is still eligible to apply.

“Now that we are moving into Phase 2, more and more small businesses will be in a position to reopen.  Some will have continued to operate but will have experienced a loss in revenue and staff numbers while bearing ongoing costs.  For others, the cost of reopening will be a challenge.  The Restart Grant, which is a minimum of €2,000 and maximum of €10,000, can be used to help defray ongoing fixed costs or meet the cost of reopening, such as replenishing stock or implementing the necessary health and safety protocols to ensure customer and employee safety.”

“Small retail businesses due to open in Phase 2 should apply for the grant via Waterford City and County Council and they will be prioritised.  As we gradually move into the next phases and more sectors open up, these businesses should apply.  Over the coming weeks and months in Phases 3, 4 and 5 more retail outlets, offices, restaurants, hotels, cafes, pubs, childcare facilities and indoor recreational centres are scheduled to reopen.  These businesses too should begin the process of applying for the Restart grant in order to avoid delay.”

Applications for the Restart Grant can be made via and the closing date for receipt of applications is August 31st, 2020.

Processing of applications and payment of the Restart Grant will depend on the initial surge of applications but, as far as is feasible, will be prioritised according to scheduled re-opening dates in the national Roadmap.


Notes to Editor:

About the Restart Grant

Micro and small businesses are particularly vulnerable to the economic effects of Covid-19.  Many businesses, even while closed, continue to incur costs including fixed costs without being able to generate revenues.  It is recognised that businesses will also incur costs in preparing their businesses to reopen and meeting the needs of employees and customers.  The Restart Grant is designed to alleviate the pressure on businesses in this context.

To avail of the Restart Grant, a business must be in the Local Authorities Commercial Rates Payment System and:

  • have an annual turnover of less than €5m and employ between 1 to 50 people
  • have closed and/or suffered a projected 25%+ loss in turnover to end June 2020
    commit to remain open or to reopen if it was closed
  • declare the intention to retaining employees that are on The Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS)

Business Categories, based on the Government’s Roadmap for a phased re-opening of the economy, are as set out below:

Phase 1 (18 May)
Hardware, garden centres, opticians, motor/cycle repairs, office products, electrical, IT equipment, phone sales/repairs, outdoor construction, public amenities.
Phase 2 (8 June)
Small retail outlets, marts.
Phase 3 (29 June)
Creches for essential workers, retail outlets with street entrance, cafes, and restaurants for on-premises consumption.
Phase 4 (20 July)
Creches, ‘high-risk’ services including hairdressers, tourism accommodation.
Phase 5 (10 August)
Bars, theatres, cinemas, gyms, shopping centres.
For further information:

Karen Cheevers

B2B Communications

086 2300700

Reminder: Temporary Road Closure N72, Tourin Junction

A section of the N72 Road west of Cappoquin at Tourin Junction will be closed on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th June to facilitate boundary wall repairs.  Please allow an additional 30 minutes for your journey.

Roads to be closed:

  • The N72 at Tourin Junction west of Cappoquin.
  • The L-1018 Tourin Road.

Diversion Routes:

  • Travelling from Cappoquin to Lismore divert via R669 Melleray Road and onto the R668 Vee Road to Lismore.
  • Travelling from Lismore to Cappoquin divert via R668 Vee Road and onto the R669 Melleray Road to Cappoquin.
  • Travelling from Tourin to Lismore divert via L-5050 at Tourin Junction.
  • Local access will be provided along routes.

Advanced Notice: Temporary Road Closure N72, Tourin Junction

A section of the N72 Road west of Cappoquin at Tourin Junction will be closed on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th June to facilitate boundary wall repairs.  Please allow an additional 30 minutes for your journey.

Roads to be closed:

  • The N72 at Tourin Junction west of Cappoquin.
  • The L-1018 Tourin Road.

Diversion Routes:

  • Travelling from Cappoquin to Lismore divert via R669 Melleray Road and onto the R668 Vee Road to Lismore.
  • Travelling from Lismore to Cappoquin divert via R668 Vee Road and onto the R669 Melleray Road to Cappoquin.
  • Travelling from Tourin to Lismore divert via L-5050 at Tourin Junction.
  • Local access will be provided along routes.

Ireland’s Fittest Family 2020 – Applications Open!

Ireland’s Fittest Family is back! Have you and your family got what it takes to win Ireland’s most extreme fitness competition?

Now in its eighth series, this year will see the competition be more challenging than ever before!

We are scouring the country to find the fittest, fastest and strongest families to be coached to victory by our four returning coaches, Davy Fitzgerald, Anna Geary, Derval O’Rourke and Donncha O’Callaghan.

Mairéad Ronan is back to host the highly competitive tournament too.

Given the current covid-19 pandemic, the production will follow HSE guidelines to ensure that strict social distancing and health and safety is adhered to throughout the competition by all crew and families taking part.

Does your family have what it takes to win the €15,000 cash prize and be crowned Ireland’s Fittest Family 2020? If so, apply now!

* Minimum age is 14 years old by 01 August 2020
* Each family must be comprised of four immediate members
* Series will be filmed between August – September, 2020

The online application form can be found at

If you have any questions you can email – or call the production team on 085 837 5387.

Advanced Notice: Temporary Road Closure N72, Tourin Junction

A section of the N72 Road west of Cappoquin at Tourin Junction will be closed on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th June to facilitate boundary wall repairs.  Please allow an additional 30 minutes for your journey.

Roads to be closed:

  • The N72 at Tourin Junction west of Cappoquin.
  • The L-1018 Tourin Road.

Diversion Routes:

  • Travelling from Cappoquin to Lismore divert via R669 Melleray Road and onto the R668 Vee Road to Lismore.
  • Travelling from Lismore to Cappoquin divert via R668 Vee Road and onto the R669 Melleray Road to Cappoquin.
  • Travelling from Tourin to Lismore divert via L-5050 at Tourin Junction.
  • Local access will be provided along routes.