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Development Management Standards variation

dmsThe  Development Management Standards variation to the Waterford City Development Plan 2013-2019, the Waterford County Development Plan 2011-2017 and Dungarvan Town Plan 2012-2018 was adopted on the 8th of September 2016.

This variation replaces the development management standards chapters as set out in the Development Plans above and should be referred to in the making of any future planning applications.

Attention all Housing Applicants of Waterford City & County Council

hnaThis is an important message from the Housing Department of Waterford City and County Council for all Housing applicants.  If you or your family are on the Housing waiting list and you have recently received an assessment form from the Housing office, you should listen carefully to this notice.

You are advised to return the completed Housing Needs Assessment form as a matter of urgency.  If you have changed address since you first applied for social housing and did not advise the Housing Office of your new address you need to contact the Housing Section Immediately.

As this is the latest of several reminders, if you fail to return the form by Wed 14th September, your application to remain on the Housing waiting list will be closed.

Returned forms can be posted to the Housing section, Baileys New St Waterford, or in person to the Customer Service desks at Baileys New St Waterford or Civic Offices Dungarvan as a matter of urgency.

Tel: 0761 10 20 20

European Mobility Week, 16th-22nd September

emw_2014The European campaign on promoting sustainable urban mobility, EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK, represents a perfect opportunity to explain the challenges faced by cities and towns to induce a change in behaviour and make progress towards a more sustainable transport strategy.

Local authorities have organised awareness-raising activities around given topics and a theme, as well as to launch permanent measures that will improve the sustainable transport situation in their city.

Homecoming for Waterford U21 Hurling champions !


The victorious Waterford U21 hurlers will be welcomed home tomorrow Sunday 11th September, at celebrations in Waterford City and Dungarvan.

The arrangements are as follows :

– People’s Park, Waterford City, 2pm.
– Grattan Square, Dungarvan, 5pm

Everyone welcome.

Road Closures for Harvest Festival

2016-09-08_1438Harvest Festival Road Closures
From 8pm Thursday, 8th September until 6am Monday 12th September the following streets will be closed:

  • The Mall – R680
  • Mall Lane – L90023
  • Bank Lane – L90024
  • Beau Street – L90307 – Local Access will be maintained
  • Greyfriars – L90020 – Access to car park will be maintained
  • Baileys New Street – L90021
  • Henrietta Street – L90018 – Local Access will be maintained
  • High Street – L5533 (from its junction with Olaf Street to Henrietta Street)

For a full and further list of road closures and times etc., please download the full information leaflet.

Water Outage to several Waterford City areas


There will be a Water Supply disruption from the 7th September, from 10:00pm into Thursday Morning the 8th of September, in the following areas of Waterford City:

Summerville Avenue, Grange Hts., Catherine’s Grange, Farran Park, Ardkeen Village and All Estates on the Williamstown Road.

This is due to essential maintenance works.  Waterford City & Co. Co. in partnership with Irish Water will work to minimise the impact of any disruption to service & will restore normal supply as soon as possible.

Customers are advised to run their taps if they experience discolouration when supply is restored. Irish Water Customer Contact Centre can be called on 1890-278-278.

WC&CC and Irish Water apologise for any inconvenience

Important : Housing Needs Assessment

2016-09-01_1159If you or your family are on the Housing waiting list or if you feel you are eligible to be on the Housing list, please read the following notice.

Waterford City and County Council are currently reviewing its entire Housing waiting list as part of a national review of all Housing applicants.

If you are on the Housing list for more than one year , you will have received letters from the Housing Office asking you to update your current details regarding your housing need application. In particular if your address or other personal details have changed since your original application it is essential that you reply to the Council before the end of this week to ensure you are included in the Councils Housing waiting list.

All forms and correspondence should be returned by post to the Housing section, Baileys New St Waterford or in person to the Customer Service desks at Baileys New St Waterford or Civic Offices Dungarvan.

Road Closure Notice – R675 Fenor (Road Bowling)

13941022_10209709229154760_1932837177_nNotice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, propose to close the following road from 10am to 5pm on Saturday 10th September and from 10am to 3pm on Sunday 11th September 2016 to facilitate The All Ireland Road Bowling Championship.

Road to be Closed:
R675 between Fenor Village and Ballygarran

Alternative Routes:

  • Traffic travelling to Dunhill & Annestown from Tramore will be diverted along the L8033 at Clancy Cross through Ballyscanlon mountain road L40531 back to Ballynaclogh cross roads where traffic will turn left. Roads are then signposted for Dunhill and Annestown on the L4007.
  • Traffic travelling from Annestown and the Coast Road to Tramore will be diverted from the R675 to the L8030 along a one way side road at Newtown on the Annestown side.
  • All local traffic coming to Fenor will be directed by stewards and marshals.

Local access along the closed route will be facilitated where possible.  Objections or submissions may be made in writing to the Director of Services, Roads, HR and Emergency Services, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford not later than 1pm on 23rd August 2016.

August Exhibitions in Old Market House Arts Centre

2016-08-09_1445The Old Market House Arts Centre, Lower Main Street, Dungarvan is hosting the second in their Summer exhibitions series. Cork based artist Trisha la Comber has vibrant works on show under the title ‘Hear My Colours – See My Voice’.

Equestrian studies by James C. Byrne, new works by Diana Marshall, Rachel Ryan and Waterford scenes by Maria Dowling complete the mix.

In the upstairs gallery ‘Seomra de Paor’ a variety of works are on show by Gosia Lawnicki, Rodney Cairns, Martin Landers and Romany artist James Mellis. Visitors are reminded that many of the works are travel friendly which they can take with them on their journey home.

The Old Market House Arts Centre (058/48944) is open Tuesday to Friday 11am to 5pm (lunch 1.30 to 2.30pm) and Saturdays 1pm to 5pm. These exhibitions continue until 3rd September 2016.  Admission is free and all are most welcome.

Meeting regarding Local Property Tax ‘Adjustment Factor’

Local-Property-TaxThe Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that elected members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the local adjustment factor.

At the meeting set by Waterford City and County Council to consider this matter, the members may set a local adjustment factor within the range of +/- 15% of the basic rate, or, may decide not to adjust the basic rate.

Waterford City and County Council will meet in September 2016 to consider the setting of a local adjustment factor.

Waterford City and County Council welcomes written submissions from the public on this matter specifically covering the potential effects of varying the basic rate of the Local Property Tax on businesses, individuals and on local authority services.

Submissions must be received by August 27th 2016 and be sent to:

Local Property Tax Consultation, Finance Section,
Waterford City and County Council,
City Hall, Waterford

Housing Action Plan – ‘Rebuilding Ireland’ launched

hap-imageThe government’s Housing Action Plan – ‘Rebuilding Ireland’ (HAP) has been launched.

This plan provides a multi-stranded, action-oriented approach to achieving many of the Government’s key housing objectives, as set down in the Programme for a Partnership Government, to significantly increase the supply of social housing, to double the output of overall housing from the current levels to at least 25,000 per annum by 2020, to service all tenure types, and to tackle homelessness in a comprehensive manner.

For full details see this page on our website.

Recruitment : Retained Fire Fighters (Dungarvan & Dunmore East)

jobsApplications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the following position:


for Dungarvan & Dunmore East stations.

Application forms are available from the Human Resources Department, Waterford City and County Council, Civic Offices, Dungarvan, Tel. No.: 0761 10 2045 or may be obtained on our website at

Closing date for receipt of applications is 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 10th August, 2016.

Council remains dedicated to continuing cultural partnership created by Three Sisters Bid


Members of Waterford City and County Council toady acknowledged the hard and work and dedication of the Three Sisters Bid team who were unsuccessful in their bid for European Capital of Culture (ECoC) 2020.

They also congratulated Galway on their success and wished them all the best in 2020.

The Three Sisters region (Waterford, Wexford and Kilkenny) formed an historic partnership in a bid to win the European Capital of Culture 2020. It is the first time in the 31 year history of the European Union’s cultural competition that three counties have united together as equal partners to bid for the title. The unique partnership offers enormous potential through the implementation of a Regional Cultural Strategy, which the three councils unanimously adopted in May this year.

The European selection panel today awarded the ECoC 2020 title to Galway, and despite this disappointing news, the Three Sisters Region is looking forward to a new and exciting future.