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Waterford commits to new Creative Ireland Culture and Creativity Strategy

161,161.00  to be allocated for core Creative Ireland initiatives in Waterford City and County in 2023

Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media Catherine Martin TD and Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning Kieran O’Donnell  TD announced the roll out of 31 new Local Authority Creative Ireland Culture and Creativity Strategies (2023-2027) at an event in Farmleigh in the Phoenix Park on February 23rd 2023.

Included in the launch was a new vision for creative activity in Waterford that was devised in consultation with the people of the city and county and will be delivered by the Waterford Culture and Creativity team led by Katherine Collins, Waterford’s Creative Ireland Coordinator.

The Waterford County Culture and Creativity team also includes Michael Walsh – Chief Executive, Waterford City and County Council, Kieran Kehoe – Director of Service, Jane Cantwell – City and County Librarian, Emma Haran – Cruinniú na nÓg Coordinator, Rosemary Ryan – Keeper Waterford Treasures, Sinead O’Higgins – Executive Librarian,  Billy Duggan – Senior Executive Officer, Economic Department, Bernadette Guest – Heritage Officer, Joanne Rothwell – Archivist & Records Manager, Máire Seo Breathnach – Irish Officer/Oifigeach Gaeilge, Gráinne Kennedy, Climate Action Coordinator, Margaret Organ – Arts Officer, Bríd Kirby – Senior Enterprise Development Officer, Conor Nolan – Arts Officer, Rosemary Ryall – Architectural Conservation Officer, Jim Lenane – Assistant Irish Officer, Luke Currall – Visual Arts Coordinator and Ovidiu Matiut – Healthy Cities Coordinator.

Last year the Waterford City and County Culture and Creativity team reviewed the original strategies that were devised in 2017 and made changes that reflected the evolving priorities of the community.  The team incorporated contributions from community stakeholders that will encourage people to engage, participate and enable their creative potential.

The new Waterford City and County Culture and Creativity Strategy reflects the creative ambitions of the county that will be supported by the Creative Ireland Programme 2023-2027.  Emphasis will be placed on initiatives that strengthen the connection between people of Waterford and the place they call home; that support those working within creative sector of the county; enhance Waterford’s creative and cultural infrastructure; enable to public to engage with climate action and biodiversity and initiatives that support the health and wellbeing of people of Waterford.

Commenting on the work undertaken by the 31 local authority Culture and Creativity teams Minister Catherine Martin said, “Your teams are the key strength of the Creative Communities initiative and the engine that drives our collective efforts.  The agility of the local authority teams has facilitated a collaborative and flexible approach to reshaping how creativity and culture is valued within and across local authorities. Through the Creative Ireland Programme, my Department will continue to work with collaborators across Government to activate the power of creativity in every community.”

Since 2017 Creative Ireland has allocated over €1,117,751.13 for the implementation of Creative Ireland initiatives in Waterford City and County.  Highlights include:

Waterford Designers & Makers: The Waterford Designers & Makers Exhibition showcased the excellence of eighteen craft makers’ work designed and made in Waterford.

Diverse Creatives Waterford: Diverse Creatives is a showcase of arts celebrating the rich culture and experience of migrants who have made Ireland their home.  

Waterford Intergenerational Music Project: A very special Intergenerational music project with the Bealtaine Choir of older singers and pupils at Kilmacthomas National School, sharing identity, heritage, and culture.

Between 2017-22 Creative Ireland allocated €29.8 million to support thousands of local authority initiatives that have unlocked a national ecosystem of creativity. The 31 local authority Culture and Creative Strategies have been key to the successful delivery of creative opportunities directly into communities. This year Ministers Martin and O’Donnell announced funding of €6.1 million for the 2023 Creative Ireland Programme Creative Communities initiative.

Reiterating Minister Martin’s praise, Minister of State Kieran O’Donnell TD said, “I would like to sincerely thank all of the Culture and Creativity teams in our Local Authorities who have been working hard in recent months to drive the key ambitions in the Creative Ireland programme. Travelling around the country and to each of our Local Authorities I get to see the ambitious plans they have to promote creativity. The power of culture cannot be overestimated; arts and culture can open our minds, enliven our communities and enrich everyone’s lives,” he concluded.

For more information about Creative Ireland’s programme of Creative Communities initiatives please visit


Image: Katherine Collins, Waterford Creative Ireland Coordinator, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media Catherine Martin TD, Mayor of Waterford City and County Cllr. John O’Leary, and Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning Kieran O’Donnell  TD at the launch of 31 new Local Authority Creative Ireland Culture and Creativity Strategies ( 2023-2027) at an event at Farmleigh in Phoenix Park on February 23rd 2023.

For further information or comment please contact:

Katherine Collins
Waterford’s Creative Ireland Coordinator
Waterford City and County Council
087 9268520

Bain triail aisti – Seachtain na Gaeilge sna Déise le Comhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge

Seachtain na Gaeilge á ceiliúradh i bPort Láirge arís i mbliana le go leor imeachtaí á n-eagrú ar fud na cathrach agus an chontae. Tá Oifigeach Gaeilge Phort Láirge ag obair i gcomhar le grúpaí éagsúla chun réimse leathan imeachtaí a chur le chéile chun an Ghaeilge agus cultúr na Gaeilge a cheiliúradh.

Gael-Igbo – beidh ócáid idir-chultúrtha ar siúl in Ionad Naomh Pádraig i gCathair Phort Láirge ar an Satharn beag seo, 4 Márta ar a 4.00i.n., nuair a bheidh deis ag lucht labhartha na Gaeilge agus Pobal Igbo Chathair Phort Láirge teacht le chéile chun blais dá gcultúr a roinnt. Cuirfear sólaistí ar fáil agus beidh fáilte roimh chách chuig an ócáid speisialta seo. Mar sin, má tá fonn ort do chúpla focal a labhairt le muintir Igbo, buail isteach go dtí Ionad Naomh Pádraig ar Shráid Phádraig.

Lón na Gaeilge – beidh Lón na Gaeilge d’fhoireann na Comhairle agus don bpobal i gcoitinne ar siúl in Óstán Granville sa Chathair ar an gCéadaoin, 8 Márta. Má tú suim agat buaileadh isteach chun craic agus comhrá a bheith agat i measc chomhluadair Ghaelach, is gá clárú roimh ré le Séamus ag

An Cailín Ciúin – tá Oifig na Gaeilge agus Coiste Dhún Garbhán le Gaeilge ag eagrú léiriú speisialta den scannán An Cailín Ciúin sa phictiúrlann i nDún Garbhán ar an Déardaoin, 9 Márta, mar cheiliúradh ar a ainmniúcháin dos na Oscars agus an éacht atá bainte amach ag an scannán Gaeilge seo.

Tráth na gCeist Dátheangach – eagróidh Oifig na Gaeilge, Comhairle Phort Láirge Tráth na gCeist dátheangach sa Cove Bar ar Bhóthar Dhún Mór sa Chathair ar an Máirt, 14 Márta ar a 8.00i.n. agus é oscailte don phobal i gcoitinne. Tá áthas orainn a bheith ar ais ‘beo’ i bpearsain agus beidh go leor spot-duaiseanna, ceol agus craic ar an oíche – beidh fáilte romhat. Is gá clárú roimh ré le Séamus ag

Booley House sa Chathair – beidh an grúpa Booley House ón mBaile Dubh ar stáitse in amharclann Garter Lane ar an Satharn, 18 Márta ar a 8.00i.n. Taispeántas iontach de rince, ceol, amhránaíocht agus seanachas a bheidh ann. Ócáid saor in aisce is ea é seo, ach is gá do thicéad a chur in áirithe roimh ré trí shuíomh idirlíon

Féile Lá Fhéile Pádraig – beidh ócáid Open Mic “The Spoken Word/An Focal Labhartha” ar siúl ar Shráid na mBioránach ar an Satharn, 18 Márta óna 1.00-4.00i.n.. Beidh léamh filíochta agus próis i nGaeilge agus i mBéarla ó réimse daoine éagsúla. Mar sin, bígí i lár an aonaigh linn ag an ócáid seo, atá á n-eagrú mar chuid d’Fhéile Lá ‘le Pádraig Phort Láirge.

Beidh roinnt imeachtaí Gaeilge agus dátheangacha á n-eagrú ag an bhfoireann os na leabharlanna éagsúla sa chathair agus sa chontae sa choicís amach romhainn agus iad ar fad saor in aisce.

Beidh an seanchaí Neil de Búrca i láthair i Leabharlanna Thrá Mhór agus Ard Chaoin ar an Máirt, 21 Márta agus é i mbun scéalaíochta do pháistí os na scoileanna áitiúla. Tá stíl faoi leith ag Neil agus cuirfidh sé na páistí faoi dhraíocht lena scéalta agus seanachas.

Chomh maith leis sin, beidh Bingó as Gaeilge á n-eagrú i Leabharlann Ard Chaoin agus Phort Lách agus leanfar ar aghaidh leis an gCiorcal Comhrá seachtainiúil i Leabharlann an Trá Móire gach oíche Dhéardaoin. Is féidir na sonraí a fháil ó do Leabharlann áitiúil.

Tá stoc mór de leabhair Ghaeilge ag Leabharlanna Phort Láirge agus beidh na leabhair seo ar thaispeáint sna leabharlanna éagsúla le linn Seachtain na Gaeilge agus iachall faoi leith á cur ar dhaoine, idir óg agus aosta, leabhair Ghaeilge a léamh. Is féidir an t-eolas ar fad a fháil ar agus ar leathanach Facebook @WaterfordLibraries.

Gabhaimid buíochas le gach duine sna seirbhísí agus eagraíochtaí éagsúla as ucht a gcomhoibriú agus a gcuid tacaíochta chun an clár imeachtaí seo a eagrú mar cheiliúradh ar Sheachtain na Gaeilge i mbliana. Mar sin, má tá suim agat freastal ar réimse imeachtaí trí Ghaeilge, nó do chúpla focal féin a chleachtadh, tá rud éigint duit le linn Seachtain na Gaeilge i mbliana. Bain sult as!


Tuilleadh eolais: Máire Seosaimhín Breathnach, Oifigeach Forbartha Gaeilge (087) 7434123

Advanced Notice – Roadworks on Rice Bridge/Greenway to City Centre Link

The following notice is being given to inform the public that the contractor for the Bilberry to Waterford City Centre Greenway Link project, working on behalf of Waterford City and County Council, John Cradock Limited, will be working outside of normal working hours as per the following:

Monday 06/03/23 – Thursday 16/03/23 (inclusive), commencing 9pm until 6am (Excluding Saturdays & Sundays)

This is to facilitate works to complete the removal of existing traffic islands, construction of new traffic islands and the installation of services at Rice Bridge Junction
Thursday 30/03/23 – Thursday 13/04/23 commencing 9pm until 6am (Excluding Saturdays & Sundays)

This is to facilitate works including the planing of the existing road surfacing, laying of new road surfacing, installation of new traffic loops and road markings and the commissioning of new traffic lights at Rice Bridge Junction.

Note: During this period night works may not be required between Tue 04/04/23 & Tue 11/04/23.

Call for Expressions of Interest : St. Joseph’s House Development

Waterford City & County Council are delighted to announce that works are nearing completion on the landmark St. Joseph’s House Housing Development in Waterford City centre.

St. Joseph’s House is a state of the art age friendly housing development that will deliver 71 dwellings for residents aged 55 and over in a modern, spacious and distinctive setting, right in the heart of Waterford City.

Fifty 1- and 2-bed dwellings are located in the main building and twenty one dwellings are located in the various clusters of outbuildings on the site. This is a unique opportunity to live in this location; each dwelling is provided fully furnished, as shown in the attached video, and the views of the surrounding city scape are among the best in the city.

Expressions of interest for those interested in living in this exciting development are now open.

St. Joseph’s House is being delivered under Housing for All – A New Housing Plan for Ireland, a Repair and Lease Scheme promoted by Waterford City and County Council, and funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Interruption to phone services : 0818 10 20 20

UPDATE: 15:35  Phone lines are now back in operation

Our public facing phone number – 0818 102020 – is currently experiencing an issue and cannot receive calls … we are working to resolve this issue and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Queries can still be handled through email or via social media.

FREE Film Screening: Voices of Ukraine – 1st March

FREE Film Screening: Voices of Ukraine / Кінопоказ-Голоси України – Hooligan Art Community

Garter Lane Arts Centre, Wednesday 1 March at 10:30am

Hooligan Art Community is an independent theatre company established in Kyiv, Ukraine, in 2019. The group make performances, films and installations in non-traditional spaces that explore the dynamic relationship between actor and audience. The group has worked entirely outside of the state theatre system creating work that advocates for freedom of expression and equality.

Hooligan Arts Community, a collective of six displaced artists from Kyiv.

Кінопоказ-Голоси України- Hooligan Art Community

Коли: Середа, 1 Березня 2023

10.30-11.30 ранку

Де: Garter Lane Theatre, Waterford

Вхід безкоштовний, але необхідна реєстрація тут:

Hooligan Art Community представляє:

IN THE FIELD (У полі) -20 хвиллин, 2020. Це історіі трьох артистів і те як ці люди персонально адаптувалися до ситуаціі під час  пандеміі Covid-19. Це три  відповіді  на свободи і заборони з якими вони зіткнулися  під час локдаунів.

24.RECONSTRUCTION (24.Реконструкція)- 13 хвилин, 2022 презентує досвід п’яти Українських артисток про те як вони після повномасштабного вторгнення Росії вУкраїну пристосовуються до життя у Германії.

Через ліричну поезію і відео фільм розказує про втрату відчуття реальності і дисоціацію у цих жінок,  пов’язані з вимушеним переїздом в іншу країну.

Дискусія після показу фільму дасть змогу розказати більше про поточну роботу компаніі Hooligan’s.

У Серпні 2022 року ця компанія возз’єдналася у місті Лондон, де створила новий проект- виставу «Bunker Cabaret». Цей твір буде виконано  у  Великій кімнаті Меріі міста Waterford ( The Large Room, City Hall)  2-3 Березня 2023 року, щоб відзначити роковини повномасштабного вторгнення.

Цей показ фільму став можливим завдяки підтримці «Голосів України», Europe Direct Waterford, Garter Lane Arts Centre та Theatre Royal, Waterford.

Hooligan Art Community — це незалежна театральна компанія, заснована в Києві, Україна, у 2019 році. Група створює вистави, фільми та інсталяції в нетрадиційних просторах, які досліджують динамічні відносини між актором і глядачем. Група працювала повністю поза державною театральною системою, створюючи роботу, яка виступає за свободу самовираження та рівність.

Реєстрація для перегляду фільму на сайті є безкоштовною але необхідною:

Waterford set for a fun-filled St. Patrick’s Day festival in 2023

Waterford city will mark the St. Patrick’s Day period in style this year, when a jam-packed three days of craic agus ceol, live entertainment, music and tradition will take place from March 17th to March 19th alongside the traditional St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

The parade showpiece, this year celebrating “The Best of Waterford”, will start at 1pm on St. Patrick’s Day, led by Grand Marshall, international boxer, Kelyn Cassidy.

Speaking ahead of the Festival, Johnny Codd, Festival Co-ordinator with Waterford City & County Council said:

“Community groups have shown great interest in participating in this year’s parade. We are pleased with the registrations that are coming in every day from various groups within the city, county, and beyond. We work closely with Waterford company EveryEvent and our organising committee, and we’re going to present a top-class musical, cultural and entertainment programme that is going to appeal to all comers.”

Foremost in the line-up of musical talent this year will be a special performance from the Music Generation Harp Orchestra who will perform on the Cultural Quarter Stage, O’Connell Street on Saturday 18th.  Over 45 young harpers from Laois, Louth, Mayo and Waterford will gather for this special performance.  Music Generation Waterford is part of Music Generation, Ireland’s national music education programme initiated by Music Network funded by U2, The Ireland Funds and The Department of Education in partnership with Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board, and Waterford City and County Council.

Commenting on the festival, Waterford City and County’s first citizen, Mayor John O’Leary said:

“As we celebrate Ireland’s national day, it’s important to remember the value of bringing families and communities together in celebrations like this. Our programme this year gives us the opportunity to reflect on our shared heritage, honour the best of Waterford’s traditions, and to create new traditions with our new communities. Let’s make sure that everyone, young and old, can participate in the fun and festivities that make this Waterford festival one to remember.”

On Saturday, March 18th the music and entertainment continues, centred around the three main squares of Waterford city, as well as the Cultural Quarter in O’Connell Street.  Arundel Square will see the likes of the Wobbly Circus, orienteering and a balance bike track, while down in the Apple Market patrons can enjoy the WAMA drumming band and a showcase performance from the renowned Booley House group.

Later in the afternoon and into the evening, the Cultural Quarter stage in O’Connell Street takes prominence with the very popular Elvis inspired musicians Alan Power and the Aftershocks, who perform at 8pm.  The rockabilly band, based in Waterford city, have taken Europe by storm with Power’s luring resemblance to the King himself.  This performance is not to be missed.

To find out more details of the St. Patricks Day Parade and three-day festival in Waterford visit or keep an eye on WaterfordStPatricksDayParade social media channels.

Recruitment : Fleet Manager

Waterford City & County Council invites applications from suitably qualified candidates who wish to be considered for the permanent position of Fleet Manager.

The Fleet Manager will manage, maintain and invest in the Council’s fleet of vehicles, including hired vehicles.  Waterford City and County Council operates and maintains a fleet of over 400 vehicles/plant.

The Fleet Manager has responsibility for ensuring that best practice procedures are adopted in relation to procurement, contract administration, budget control, vehicle maintenance and replacement, insurance, garaging, fueling, statutory requirements, and day-to-day management of all vehicles/plant, including health and safety management.

Application Form and Candidate Information Booklet for the above are available to be downloaded from Waterford City & County Council’s website at

Completed application forms must be emailed to  clearly stating the position applied for in the subject line no later than 4p.m. on Tuesday, 7th March, 2023. 

Estates Taken in Charge : Cois Cille, Dunhill & Cúl Rua, Aglish, Co. Waterford

Proposal to declare Roads serving developments at :

  • Cois Cille, Dunhill, Co. Waterford
  • Cúl Rua, Aglish, Co. Waterford

    to be Public Roads.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 11 Subsection (1) (b) (iii) Roads Act 1993 that Waterford City and County Council propose to declare the above mentioned roads to be
Public Roads.

The drawing indicating the roads to be taken in charge are available for inspection below
or copies can be viewed in our Customer Services Departments in Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan or Bailey’s New Street for a period of one month up to and including 22nd March, 2023.

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposal to declare the roads to be Public Roads may be made in writing up to 29th March, 2023. Please include the name of the
development in the submission subject line.

By Post: Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford.
By Email:
By Phone: 0818 10 20 20

Reminder: Call for submissions on Draft Dungarvan/Ballinroad & Tramore Local Area Plans 2023-2029

Waterford City and County Council has published pre-draft ‘Issues Papers’ for the Dungarvan/Ballinroad Local Area Plan and the Tramore Local Area Plan.

The purpose of these LAPs is to set out an overarching strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of Dungarvan/Ballinroad and Tramore over the life of the LAPs to 2029.

The LAPs will incorporate a spatial framework for guiding the future development of transportation, regeneration, heritage, social and community infrastructure/ amenities and natural/ cultural assets in both Dungarvan/Ballinroad and Tramore.

The LAPs will be based on and be fully consistent with the Waterford City and County Development Plan 2022 – 2028, and in particular the; The Core Strategy, Vision, Strategic Outcomes, Land Use Zoning Objectives, Housing Strategy and other strategies underpinning the Development Plan. In other words, the LAP will give a local focus to the strategies of the Development Plan.

The LAP process provides a fresh opportunity to take a ‘big picture’ approach to looking at the key issues affecting Dungarvan/Ballinroad and Tramore and plot a development strategy for their future sustainable growth and regeneration. Therefore, local input is considered vital to the entire LAP process and the Planning Authority values what you have to say. It is intended that these Issues Papers will kick-start interest and debate which will provide helpful feedback, and result in stronger and more informed Local Area Plans.

The pre-draft issues papers for Dungarvan/Ballinroad and Tramore can be viewed online at

In addition, copies of the pre-draft issues papers are available to view at the following locations:

  • Customer Care Office, Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan, X35 Y326
  • Customer Care Office, Bailey’s New Street, Waterford, X91 XH42
  • Dungarvan Library, Davitts Quay, Dungarvan, X35 AV29
  • Tramore Library, Market Street, Tramore, X91 CY96

The LAPs are currently at the stage of pre-draft public consultation which will be followed by the preparation and publication of a draft LAPs.  If you are interested in the development of Dungarvan/Ballinroad and/or Tramore and wish to contribute to the shaping of their sustainable future, please make a submission.

Submissions and observations on the pre-draft issues papers or any other key issues that you wish to have considered in the preparation of the new Draft Local Area Plans are invited up until Tuesday,7th March 2023.

Submissions can be made online via the Council’s dedicated public consultation portal ( or in writing, marked “Draft Dungarvan and Ballinroad Local Area Plan 2023-2029” or “Draft Tramore Local Area Plan 2023-2029” to the Planning Department, Waterford City and County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford City.
