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Road Closure; O’Connell St 15 June; Africa Day



Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in
exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, proposes
to temporarily close the following public roads from 11.00am until
4.00pm on Friday 15th June 2018 to facilitate Africa Day
Roads to be closed:
• O Connell St. (from the junction with Hanover St to the junction with
Gladstone St).
• Gladstone St.
Any person may lodge an objection to this proposal with the
undersigned not later than 4pm Tuesday 13th June 2018.
Fergus Galvin,
Director of Servies
Roads, Water and Environment 5th June, 2018

Ardmore Road Closure, 27-29 July



Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, propose to close the following road to through traffic from 4pm Friday 27th July to 12am midnight on Sunday 29th July, 2018 to
facilitate the Ardmore Pattern Festival.

Road to be Closed:
The Church Carpark on Lower Cliff Road from the junction with
Rocky Road (at old public toilets) to the roundabout junction
with Main Street, Ardmore.

Diversion Route:
From Youghal and Dungarvan travel up Tower Hill and turn
left along Rocky Road. Access through Main Street will be
maintained up to roundabout junction with Lower Cliff Road.
Diversion signs will be in place on the day.

Objections or submissions may be made in writing to the
Director of Services, Roads, Water and Environment, Waterford
City and County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford not later
than 4pm on 27th June 2018.
Fergus Galvin 13th June 2018
Director of Services
Roads, Water and Environment

Ten die in our waters during 15 days of warm weather

Press Release

Irish Water Safety is appealing to the public to take greater care when swimming and fishing in the current spell of warm weather as ten people have drowned accidentally in the last 15 days. 62% of all drownings occur at inland water sites. Water temperature is 18° Celsius and less in many inland sites and is 14° and less at sea. Cold water immersion is the greatest contributing factor to drowning on our island nation, see hypothermia – what to do

  1. Swim at Designated Bathing Areas where lifeguards are on duty during the Bathing season which runs from the 1st of June to the 15th September
  2. If there is no Designated Bathing Area near you then swim at known traditional bathing areas where there are ringbuoys erected that you can use if somebody gets in to difficulty
  3. Swim within your depth and stay within your depth
  4. Use local knowledge to determine local hazards and safest areas to swim
  5. Always ensure that the ringbuoy is in its yellow box before entering the water
  6. Make sure that the edges are shallow shelving so that you can safely and easily enter and exit the water
  7. Don’t swim in Quarries and ESB Reservoirs and tail races
  8. Wear a wet suit if you are not used to the cold water
  9. Stay Away From The Edge after you consume alcohol as 30% of all drowned victims have consumed alcohol

The majority of drownings occur inland where river and lake beds can be difficult to see and therefore extremely difficult to determine if you are swimming within your depth. The onset of cramp, combined with the panicked realisation that you are out of your depth can have tragic consequences and be compounded further by the muscle cooling effect of longer periods in open water.

If you see someone in difficulty, these simple steps may save a life:

  1. Shout to the casualty and encourage them to shore. This may orientate them just enough.
  2. Reach out with a long object such a branch or a piece of clothing but do not enter the water yourself.
  3. Throw a ringbuoy or any floating object and call 112 for the coast guard.

Media Enquiries:
Irish Water Safety
The Long Walk
Tel: 091-56.44.00
Fax: 091-56.47.00
Mobiles: 087-6789600 John Leech;
087-6789601 Roger Sweeney




Road closure at Master McGrath monument, 20-22 June

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council,
in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act
1993, will close the following public road from 20th to 22nd
June 2018 to facilitate the construction of a cattle underpass:
Road to be Closed:
• L6130 from junction with N72 north across from
Master McGrath monument to junction with R672 at
Ballinamuck West.
Diversion Route:
• Southbound traffic will be diverted east at junction for
L6130 and N25 east, along the N25, southbound at junction
R672 and N25 and back to junction at L6130 and R672.
• Northbound traffic will be diverted north at junction at
L6130 and R672 west via L8035 at junction for R672 and N25
west along N25 back to the junction at L6130 and N25l.

Fergus Galvin 13th June 2018
Director of Services
Roads, Water and Environment

Waterford Bike Week 2018 Programme Launched

Waterford Bike Week 2018 Programme Launched
National Bike Week 2018 will take place from Saturday 9th to Sunday 17th June, with bike
related events taking place right around the country. In Waterford, we have a very strong
tradition where Bike Week is concerned. There are almost 60 events taking place right across Waterford City and County over the course of the week and we have events to suit all ages and fitness levels.

For more information click..  Bike Week, 2018

North Quays Strategic Development Zone to proceed as planned

Statement by the Chief Executive, Michael Walsh,

Waterford City and County Council

On North Quays SDZ

I am pleased to advise that after some lengthy discussions the objections to the North Quays Strategic Development Zone have been withdrawn. This will allow the SDZ Scheme to proceed as presented, which is an excellent outcome for Waterford. I would like to thank everyone who has supported the SDZ and the staff and advisors who have worked very hard to bring the SDZ Scheme to this stage.

Michael Walsh,

Chief Executive,

Waterford City and County Council

Free Beginners Computer Classes at Tramore Library


14th,15th, 19th, 20th, & 21st June


10.30am to 12.30pm or 2pm to 4pm




0761 10 2594




The Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment


Community Enhancement Programme

The Community Enhancement Programme will fund projects that seek to enhance facilities and communities in disadvantaged areas.  This Programme will offer not-for-profit groups access to capital funding in order to kick-start, advance or complete their projects.  The Programme seeks to address some of the difficulties these groups face in terms of accessing small scale levels of funding to match their own fundraising efforts.


Clár Feabhsúcháin Pobail Chomhairle Cathrach agus Contae  Phort Láirge

Is é dáta deiridh d’iarratais ná Dé Luain 30 Iúil 2018

Ní ghlacfar le hiarratais ar bith tar éis an dáta seo

Tabhairfaidh an Clár Feabhsúcháin Pobail maoiniú do thionscadail a chuireann feabhas ar áiseanna agus pobail i gceantair faoi mhíbhuntáiste.

Tabharfaidh an Clár seo rochtain neamhbhrabúsach  do chaipitil ar mhaoiniú chun tús a chur le tionscadail, é a chomhlánú nó a chur chun chinn.

Iarann an Clár  aghaidh a thabhairt ar chuid de na deacrachtaí a bhíonn ag na grúpaí seo le rochtain maoinithe ar leibhéil bheaga  chun a n-iarrachtaí tiomsaithe airgid féin a mheaitseáil

How to apply

All applicants must complete the application form which can be downloaded from the Waterford Council’s website .  Alternatively you can collect an application form at Waterford City & County Council Customer Service points at Bailey’s New Street or at the Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan.

Once completed please submit your application by post to:

Colette O’ Brien

Community Enhancement Programme,

Waterford City & County Council,

Baileys New Street,


Closing date for applications is Monday 30th July 2018

No applications will be accepted after this date

Application form



Waterford Blue Flag and Green Coast Beach Awards 2018

Press Release

At a recent An Taisce awards ceremony, County Waterford’s beaches were awarded with 5 Blue Flag awards and 6 Green Coast awards for 2018.  These awards are only made to bathing areas with excellent water quality and beach management.

Clonea Beach, Dunmore East Main Strand, Dunmore Councillors Strand, Tramore and Ardmore were confirmed Blue Flag status.  Of particular satisfaction is the award of the Blue Flag to Ardmore after a gap of 21 years, following the recent commissioning of a new wastewater treatment plant for the village.

Green Coast awards were achieved for beaches at Guillamene, Newtown Cove, Ballyquin, Curragh, Goat Island, and Annestown.

County Waterford is renowned for its 100 km long stunning coastline.  For those wishing to walk, jog, swim, explore rock-pools, surf, scuba dive, fish, kite surf, observe wildlife or just relax, there is a place for you!  As part of its efforts to enhance this natural tourism attraction and provide amenities to the public and ensure good water quality, Waterford City & County Council is committed to ongoing management and stringent monitoring of the many bathing water areas dotted along the coast.  Lifeguards are provided at Dunmore, Tramore, Bunmahon, Clonea and Ardmore.

Waterford City and County Council collaborate with many bodies to manage the bathing areas, including the HSE, Irish Water, the EPA and Irish Water Safety.  Special credit must be paid to the Tidy Towns and Coastcare groups which, through their commitment to voluntary and community activities, play an essential role in caring for local bathing areas.

Keep an eye out at beach notice boards for water test results and other beach information and advice.  Results and information are also posted on the council’s website and on the EPA’s website

Members of the public and interest groups are encouraged to provide suggestions on beach and coastal management in the county. Anyone interested should send their suggestions by email to  Remember, when you visit a beach, stay safe and leave no trace!

Let’s get out there and enjoy our beautiful coast!




For Press Queries please contact

Claire Hartley     Administrative Officer, Communications and Customer Services

Clár Ní hArtgaile Oifegeach Cumarsáide & Seirbhísí Custaiméara,

Comhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge, Hall na Cathrach, An Meal, Port Láirge,

Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford. X91 PK15

|T 0761 102549|M 087 2905194| Email

Exciting Programme of Events for Bike Week 2018

National Bike Week 2018 will take place from Saturday 9th to Sunday 17th June, with bike related events taking place right around the country. In Waterford we have a very strong tradition where Bike Week is concerned.

There are almost 60 events taking place right across Waterford City and County over the course of the week and we have events to suit all ages and fitness levels.

The programme is primarily targeted at those who are new or are returning to cycling and of course those who just want to enjoy a leisurely spin with friends and family!    See the full details below !

Clár Éire Ildánach Chontae Phort Láirge: Glao Oscailte

Is tionscnamh cúig bliana an Rialtais an Clár Éire Ildánach trína gcuirtear an chruthaitheacht ag croílár polasaí poiblí. Is clár é atá bunaithe ar chultúr agus a cuireadh in alt a chéile chun folláine an duine aonair, an phobail agus chúrsaí náisiúnta a chur chun cinn. Is í an aisling atá ann:

“go mbeidh de dheis ag gach duine a bhfuil cónaí air/uirthi in Éirinn buaic a t(h)ualainge ó thaobh cultúir a shlánú go huile”

Tá iarratais á lorg anois faoin gClár Éire Ildánach ar thionscadal agus thionscnaimh a bheidh ar siúl in 2018. Is é €5,000 uasmhéid an deontais atá ar fáil do thionscadal faoi leith sa bhabhta seo de mhaoiniú. Díolfaidh Clár Éire Ildánach Chontae Phort Láirge as 75% de chostas ceadaithe an tionscadail agus díolfaidh na hiarratasóirí rathúla as 25%.

Ní  bheifear  i dteideal  iarratas a chur isteach ar son tionscadail nó tionscnaimh i gcás go bhfuil tacaíocht á tabhairt dóibh cheana féin trí aon sruth maoinithe eile dar foinse Comhairle Cathrach agus Contae Phort Láirge.

Leis seo tugtar cuireadh daoibh sibh féin a shamhlú mar chomh-chruthaitheoirí bhur gcuidse éachtaí cultúrtha agus cruthaitheacha féin agus eagar a chur ar phobal ar díol spéise dóibh iad.  Aidhm an Glao Oscailte seo is ea comhoibriú nua, uaillmhianach agus chiallmhar idir daoine agus pobail agus ealaíontóirí/seandálaithe/staraithe/cartlannaithe agus gach duine eile atá gafa le hearnáil an chultúir agus leis an earnáil chruthaitheach i gContae Phort Láirge a spreagadh.  Iarrtar ort an Fhoirm Iarratais a ghabhann leis seo a líonadh. Is é 17:00 pm an 22 Meitheamh 2018 an spriocdháta le haghaidh aighneachtaí.

Má tá tuilleadh eolais de dhíth ort féadfaidh tú dul i dteagmháil le

County Waterford Creative Ireland Open Call

The Creative Ireland Programme is the Government’s five-year initiative which places creativity at the centre of public policy.  It is a culture-based programme designed to promote individual, community and national wellbeing.  It’s vision is:

“That every person living in Ireland will have the opportunity to fully realise his or her creative potential”

Under the Creative Ireland Programme, applications are now being sought for projects and initiatives which will take place in 2018. The maximum grant available to an individual project in this round of funding is €5,000.  75% of the approved project cost will be supported by the County Waterford Creative Ireland Programme with 25% being met by the successful applicants.

Projects and initiatives already supported through any other funding stream from Waterford City and County Council will not be eligible to apply.  We now invite you to see yourselves as co-creators of your own cultural and creative experiences and to mobilise communities of interest.

The aim of this Open Call is to encourage new, ambitious and meaningful collaborations between people and communities and artists/archaeologists/historians/archivists and       everyone else involved in the culture and creative sectors within County Waterford.  If you require further information you can contact

Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta bronnta ag Comhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge

Tá áthas ar Oifig na Gaeilge, Comhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge a fhógairt go bhfuil páirt-scoláireachtaí le bronnadh ar bheirt mhacléinn chun freastal ar chúrsa samhraidh Gaeilge i gColáiste na Rinne, Rinn Ó gCuanach an samhraidh seo.

Léiríodh suim mhór sa Scoláireacht a fógraíodh an mhí seo caite agus ba mhaith leis an Oifigeach Gaeilge, Máire Seó Breathnach buíochas a ghabháil le gach éinne a chur isteach ar an Scoláireacht. Bhí caighdeán ard iarratais agus dá bharr san, beartaíodh dhá pháirt-scoláireacht a bhronnadh ar bheirt chailín – Saoirse Ní Chaoimh ón bPasáiste agus Megan Ní Ghrádaigh ó Bhaile Mhac Cairbre. Comhghairdeachas leis an mbeirt úd agus tá súil againn go n-éireoidh go breá leo sa Choláiste agus lena gcuid staidéar amach anseo.


The Irish Office, Waterford City & County Council is delighted to announce that two part-scholarships are to be presented to two students to attend a summer course in Coláiste na Rinne, An Rinn this summer.

The Irish Officer, Máire Seó Breathnach would like to thank all of those who applied for the Scholarship, which was announced last month. The standard of applications was high and it was therefore decided to present two part-scholarships to the following students: Saoirse Ní Chaoimh from Passage East and Megan Ní Ghrádaigh from Ballymacarbry. Congratulations to the lucky recipients and we wish them all the best, both for the Summer Course in An Rinn and for their future studies. Comhghairdeachas libh beirt.

Tuilleadh eolais/Further information: Máire Seosaimhín Breathnach, Oifigeach Gaeilge
Teil: 0761 10 2884 or e-mail:

Waterford Arts and Summer School bursaries awarded

Waterford City & County Council’s Arts Office has announced details of the successful recipients for various artistic summer schools 2018.

In receipt of bursary assistance for the Drama League of Ireland Summer School at the University of Limerick are:

  • David Mansfield, Aisteorí an tSean Phobail
  • Pat Power, Dungarvan Dramatic Club

The recipients of assistance towards attending the Irish Youth Choir Summer programme

  • Irinel Lineen, Kilmacthomas
  • Pax O Faoláin, An Rinn
  • Sarah Keane, Abbeyside, Dungarvan
  • Brian Hughes, Ballinacourty

Bursary support for the Irish Youth Orchestra of Ireland Summer School is awarded to:

  • Lucy Kirby, Newtown, Waterford City
  • Conor Power, Waterford City
  • Fódhla Dunne, Tramore

In addition the recipients of bursaries to attend the Tyrone Guthrie Centre, the artist’s
workplace at Annaghmakerrig, Co. Monaghan during 2018 have been awarded as follows:

  • Two week residency to: David Power/Musician/Cul na Smear and Petra
    Kindler/Theatre, Waterford city
  • One Week residencies to Christine O’ Brien/Visual Artist, Waterford city
  • Mary Tritschler/Visual artist, Dunmore East
  • Rachel Smith/Visual artist, Tramore
  • Ciara Gormley/Visual Artist, Modeligo

The Arts Office acknowledges the Arts Council’s support to the arts in Waterford.