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Flood Updates and Closures in Clonmel

Water Levels on the River Suir rose considerably last night. The situation is being monitored by the Flood Response Teams in both Tipperary and Waterford Councils.

Currently the Convent Road Bridge remains impassable for the remainder of today.  Access to and from the Clonmel / Dungarvan Road is via Old Bridge / Gas House Bridge.

Please also note that Knocklofty Bridge is also impassable so traffic from the Dungarvan direction needs to go through Clonmel to get across to Knocklofty / Ardfinnan and traffic coming from Ardfinnan is via Marlfield, Clonmel.

Please drive carefully and heed all warnings.

Coffeehouse Lane wins inaugural Waterford Digital Awards

Overall Winner
Michael Quinn – Waterford Council, Tommy O’Connor – Coffeehouse Lane, Cllr. John O’Leary – Mayor, Brid Kirby – LEO

Waterford Local Enterprise Office, together with Waterford City and County Council are pleased to announce Coffeehouse Lane as their first Waterford Digital Awards Overall Winner.

The ceremony, which took place at Dooley’s Hotel on Friday 28th October, aimed to recognise and reward SMEs based in County Waterford who have developed their ecommerce and digital platforms as part of their product offering.

Coffeehouse Lane, the overall winner, is an Artisan Coffee roaster and producer with strong Waterford roots. It is owned by the Bergin family and run by Mark Bergin. Its range of coffees is not just inspired by its name, but also by the ethos of coffee roasting and brewing back to 1690 when Coffee House Lane, adjacent to the then busy trading port of Waterford, boasted what is long believed to be Ireland’s first ever coffee house. Green Coffee was traded at the port, then roasted, brewed and sold at John Aikenhead’s Coffee House on what became Coffee House Lane of Waterford.

Mark was obviously delighted to win the award, “When Coffee House Lane started out, we were committed to not only producing Artisan Coffee of the highest quality but also building a business that we had fun working at. We are always open to new ideas and evolving. Any modern retail business needs an effective digital sales and promotions platform. Our website is an extension of our business and our family’s attitude to our work. We’re thrilled to win this, the first Waterford Digital Awards trophy and would like to thank the team at the Local Enterprise Office who have helped us grow and grow, for many years now.”

The winners of each award category were:

  1. Best Business to Business Website – NC Consulting & Co.
  1. Best Business to Customer Website – Coffeehouse Lane
  1. Best E Commerce Website – Murphy Larkin Timber Products Ltd.
  1. Best Export Website – Herdsy
  1. Best in social media – Pepper Hustle

The winner of each category received €1,000 towards technical advice, photography, videography and marketing. The overall winner received €2,500 in cash.

Jacqui Gaule, Senior Enterprise Development Officer with Local Enterprise Office Waterford was extremely impressed with the standard of entries, “For the past number of years the Local Enterprise Offices have been promoting the importance of online sales. Though even we didn’t realise how high the bar had been set. The judges spent much longer than expected debating and deliberating on who should win each category, let alone the overall prize.

“Through training and Trading Online Vouchers many of our clients have transitioned to include digital sales and promotional platforms. This development has reaped financial rewards for many, while these awards are an opportunity to give them some public acclaim also.”

For further information follow this link, contact LEO Waterford at 051 849905 or email


Winners of the Waterford Poetry Prize 2022 announced

The Arts Office, Waterford City and County Council is pleased to announce the winners of the national Waterford Poetry Prize 2022.

First prize goes to ‘In Between’ by Ian Hickey, Limerick. Ian Hickey grew up and lives in Limerick City. He currently works as a lecturer, teaching English literature. His first book Haunted Heaney: Spectres and the Poetry was published by Routledge in 2021 which was the joint winner of the British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies Monograph prize. He is developing his interest in poetry. His passion in life in surfing, and he says would give up everything to just spend to rest of his days aimlessly wandering Ireland’s west coast in search of waves. Ian was awarded €400 plus a course at the Molly Keane Writers Retreat, Ardmore.

Second prize goes to ‘A Break in the Weather’ by Christina Park, Wexford. Christina is a freelance writer and editor based in Wexford who has had pieces published in various national newspapers, and broadcast on RTÉ’s Sunday Miscellany. Her poems have appeared in Poetry Ireland Review, the Stinging Fly, the SHOp and Crannóg. She was shortlisted for the 2015 Bridport Prize, runner up in the 2020 Trócaire/Poetry Ireland Poetry Competition and placed second in the Shahidah Janjua Poetry Competition 2022. Christina receives €300 in prize money plus a writing course in Ardmore, Co. Waterford.

Third Prize is Pigs Meat by Ciarán O’ Rourke, Galway. Ciarán’s first collection The Buried Breath, was highly commended by the Forward Foundation in 2019. His second collection Phantom Gang has just been published by The Irish Pages Press. He is a previous winner of the Cúirt New Irish Writing Award, the Fish Poetry Prize, and the Westport Poetry Prize. More information about his work is available on Ciarán was awarded €200.

Margaret Organ, Arts Officer said that the Waterford Poetry Prize was an integral part of the Waterford Writers Weekend and that it played a part in stimulating new poetry from all over the country. She thanked everyone who has taken the time to enter and remarked on the energy and enthusiasm of the writer Colm Keegan who took considerable time over the adjudication process. You can see Colm Keegan read the winning poems and give the background as to why he chose them on the YouTube section of


Iarratais i leith Féilte agus Imeachtaí de chuid Chomhairle Phort Láirge ar oscailt anois

Tá próiseas na n-iarratas maidir le Scéim Dheontais na bhFéilte agus na nImeachtaí de chuid Chomhairle Cathrach agus Contae Phort Láirge ar oscailt anois chun iarratais a chur isteach.

Is éard is aidhm leis an scéim ná tacú le himeachtaí ar fud Phort Láirge a chabhraíonn le hoibriú chun áit níos beoga agus níos inbhuanaithe a dhéanamh de Phort Láirge.

Tá béim níos mó ar an inbhuanaitheacht in iarratas na bliana so agus tá an Chomhairle ag féachaint le comhoibriú le féilte agus le himeachtaí ó thaobh sprioc Phort Láirge a bhaint amach i dtaca lena bheith ar an gcéad limistéar in Éirinn a bheidh neodrach ó thaobh an charbóin de.

Dhein Comhairle Phort Láirge, i gcomhar le GIY ó thaobh Féile an Fhómhair a sheachadadh i mbliana, cur i láthair ar mhórán de na bearta inbhuanaitheachta ar féidir le lucht eagair na bhféilte agus na n-imeachtaí iad a ghlacadh chucu chun a n-imeacht a dhéanamh níos inbhuanaithe, lena n-áirítear cosc a chur ar gach plaisteach aonúsáide, an taisteal gníomhach go dtí imeachtaí a spreagadh, an athchúrsáil a chur chun cinn agus feidhm a bhaint as foinsí cumhachta a bhíonn níos inbhuanaithe.

Ní foláir iarratais a chur fénár mbráid ar líne ag, áit a bhféadfaidh iarratasóirí teacht ar acmhainní freisin a chabhróidh leo a n-imeacht a sheachadadh.  Is ar mheáin shóisialta Chomhairle Phort Láirge a fhógrófar oiliúint ar líne do lucht eagair na n-imeachtaí.

Is é an dáta deiridh a nglacfar le hiarratais ná an 28th Mí na Samhna 2022.

Festivals & Events Grants Scheme 2023 now open

Applications for Waterford City & County Council’s Festivals & Events Grants Scheme 2023 are now open.  The scheme aims to help support events across Waterford which help contribute towards making Waterford a more vibrant and sustainable place.

This year’s application has an increased emphasis on sustainability and the Council is looking to work with festivals and events on delivering Waterford’s goal of becoming Ireland’s first carbon neutral area.

Waterford Council in partnership with GIY in delivering this year’s Harvest Festival, showcased many of the sustainability measures that festival and event organisers can adopt to make their event more sustainable including banning all single use plastics, encouraging active travel to events, promoting recycling and using more sustainable power sources.

Applications must be submitted online at where applicants can also find resources to assist in delivering their event.  Online training for event organisers will also be announced on Waterford Council’s social media.

The closing date for applications is midnight Sunday 27th November 2022.


Proposed development Cnoc an Túir/Tower Hill at Newgate Street, Waterford

In accordance with Part XI of the Planning & Development Act 2000, as amended, and Part 8, Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, notice is hereby given by Waterford City & County Council of proposed residential development at Newgate Street/Browne’s Lane/Butler Court/Castle Street, Waterford City.

The proposed development, called Cnoc an Túir/Tower Hill, will consist of:

(a) 27 no. residential apartment units comprising of;
(i) 16 no. 1-bed apartments, (ii) 9 no. 2-bed apartments (iii) 2 no. 3-bed apartments
and (iv) a serviced ground floor unit
(b) Supporting development works including (i) temporary construction signage, (ii) demolition of existing buildings on site, (iii) boundary treatments, (iv) landscaping, (v) ancillary accommodation and (vi) all associated site works at Newgate Street/Browne’s Lane/Butler Court/Castle Street, Waterford City.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, from 28th October 2022 up to and including 25th November 2022, and during office-hours, at:

  • Customer Care Offices, Waterford City & County Council, Baileys New
    Street, Waterford.

A copy of the plans and particulars of the proposed development may also be viewed on Waterford City & County Council’s website at

Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development is situated, may be made in writing, to arrive no later than: 4.00pm. on 9th December 2022, to;
“Director of Services, Housing Department, Waterford City &
County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford”
or by emailing:

It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act applies to all records held by Waterford City & County Council.

Europe Direct Soapbox Competition 2022 – Is Europe Listening to its Young People?

We are delighted to inform you that our Annual Europe Direct Soapbox Competition will once again take place online this year with fantastic prizes for the regional finalists and the overall national winners!

We are delighted to invite your students to record a short video for, or against, the soapbox topic:

 Is Europe Listening to its Young People”? 

 Please note:

·        Entrants are invited to deliver a three minute speech on video for or against the topic:“Is Europe Listening to its Young People”?

·       Contestants will compete in one of two categories: 16 and under / 17 and over – tick the appropriate box on the application form.

·       A regional winner will be selected from each category to compete in a National final and have the chance to win the cash prize.

·        To avoid technical issues, we ask that that videos be submitted in MP4 format. (This is the format in which all Android phones and iPhones automatically save videos.)

Videos must be sent via WeTransfer or or Dropbox link to: (16 and under) (17 and over)

  • All entries must be received before 2pm Wednesday on the 30th of November.

Please find a Poster, an Application Form, Competition Rules and a reminder Tick List attached above.  Entry forms/Competition Rules and Tick list can also be downloaded from:

Wishing all entrants the best of luck!

If you have any queries please feel free to contact or  Alternatively you can call us on 051 849975

Road Closure Arrangements – Winterval 2022

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, propose to close the following roads to through traffic to facilitate the Winterval 2022 Christmas Festival:

  • From 11pm Monday 7th November 2022 until 11pm Sunday 8th January 2023 the following street will be closed for the Winterval Christmas Market:
    • Arundel Square – L5532 (from its junction with Peter Street to Conduit Lane).
      Please Note: The Bus Stop and Taxi Rank on Peter Street will operate as normal.
  • From 11am Monday 14th November 2022 until 11pm Friday 30th December 2022 the following street will be closed for the Winterval Santa Installation.
    • Michael Street (North) – L-1527 (from it’s junction with Lady Lane and Patrick St)
  • On Friday 18th November 2022 from 2pm until 7pm the following streets will close for the arrival of Santa Claus and the switching on of the Christmas Lights.
    • Barronstrand Street – L91092
    • Broad Street – L91092
    • Great Georges Street – L-90352
  • On Friday 18th November 2022 from 3:30pm until 6pm the following streets will close for the arrival of Santa Claus and the switching on of the Christmas Lights.
    • Peter Street – L-5531
    • Patrick Street – L-1525 (from its junction with Mayors Walk)
    • Bakehouse Lane – L5530

Note: Between 4pm and 4:30pm Friday 18th November there may be significant delays outbound on The Quay and through traffic should divert via Ashe Road.

  • On the following times & dates the roads below will be closed to facilitate the Winterval Market & Cultural Quarter Events:
    • 9pm Thursday 17th November until 10pm Sunday 20th November
    • 9pm Thursday 24th November until 10pm Sunday 27th November
    • 9pm Thursday 1st December until 10pm Sunday 4th December
    • 9pm Thursday 8th December until 10pm Sunday 11th December
    • 9pm Thursday 15th December until 10pm Friday 23rd December
    • O’Connell Street (L1502), Gladstone Street (L5501), Sargents Lane (L-15023)
    • Access to Jenkins Lane & Little Patrick Street Car Parks shall be via Thomas Hill & Meeting House Lane. Access to the Quays shall be via Ballybricken or Penrose Lane.
  • On Wednesday 21st December 2022 from 4pm until 11pm the following public Car Park and Roads shall close to facilitate a public outdoor Winterval Solstice Event.
    • Thomas Hill (L15021) – There will be no access to Thomas Hill from Francis Street, access from O’Connell Street shall be unaffected.
    • Meeting House Lane (L15022) – Residential Access only
    • Jenkins Lane Car Park (L90356) – All cars must vacate by 6pm
    • Little Patrick Street (L90355)
  • Each Saturday from Saturday 19th November 2022 until Friday 16th December 2022 the Applemarket will the host of the Santa’s Elves Christmas letter Collection Winterval Event and other events. Residential and Emergency Access to Spring Garden Alley will be unaffected. The usual road closures for the Applemarket will apply.

Sláintecare Healthy Communities launched in Waterford

On Friday October 28th, Waterford City and County Council along with the HSE launched Sláintecare Healthy Communities in Waterford.

The launch took place in Cill Barra Community Sports Centre where it was attended by Deputy Metropolitan Mayor Cllr Lola O’Sullivan, Minister of State at the Department of Health for Mental Health and Older People Mary Butler TD and representatives from Brill Family Resource Centre, St. Brigid’s Family Resource Centre and Sacred Heart Family Resource Centre.  Members of Waterford City and County Council’s Community department as well as the HSE’s Health and Wellbeing, including Health Promotion and Improvement team are directly involved in the delivery of the programme and in bringing Sláintecare to Waterford.

Launched nationally in October 2021, Sláintecare Healthy Communities is led by Healthy Ireland in the Department of Health, which has commissioned Local Authorities, HSE and a wide range of community-based organisations to work together and deliver the range of health and wellbeing initiatives in targeted community areas.

There is widespread recognition that communities have a vital role in improving health and wellbeing. The communities where people are born, live, work and socialise in have a significant influence on how healthy they are.

Sláintecare Healthy Communities provides new opportunities for communities to be involved in actions that can nurture health and wellbeing. Being able to do this gives local people a sense of control over what happens where they live and work.

Deputy Metropolitan Mayor Cllr Lola O’Sullivan noted how Sláintecare will add to the amenities and services which are already in place in Ballybeg.  “I appreciate the principles underpinning the work of Sláintecare which are to recognise the strengths and assets already within the community and to work in partnership with the community and stakeholders, which is crucial to ensure that programme is effective and to truly level the playing field for everyone living in our local communities.”

Mary Butler TD added, “I am really delighted to see Sláintecare Healthy Communities launched here in Waterford City. As Minister with responsibility for Older People and Mental Health, I am keenly interested in initiatives that promote health and wellbeing right across the life-course.

“The Healthy Communities Programme does just this; it provides an opportunity for us to work together to make sure that all the members of our community are supported to live longer, healthier lives.”

A fund of €250,000 was allocated to each Local Authority area under the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme to support projects that provided added value from a ‘social determinants of health’ perspective.  The fund is being used to fund four projects which have recently been completed: the new Mount Sion footpath to the Play Park, the resurfacing of Bernard Place Tennis Courts, the upgrade of Ballybeg Playground and the upgrade of Ballybricken Green.

In addition €75,000 seed funding is being provided to community projects that will help to reduce the health inequalities in six disadvantaged areas of the city.

This increase in resources for local authorities is aimed at integrating the health and wellbeing agenda with the broader aims of supporting a ‘social determinants’ approach to health inequalities.

Derval Howley, Head of Services, Health and Well Being, HSE said, “HSE / South East Community Health Care is delighted to fund and support the Healthy Communities project in Waterford, a place where there is a strong history of partnership working between the HSE, the Local Authorities, other agencies and the community.”

Waterford City and County Council will coordinate and support the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme with the Local Community Development Committees and their existing Healthy Living initiative.

Targeted supports will be delivered to help promote and improve the overall health and wellbeing of our community, particularly around factors that can have a profound impact on our lives such as smoking, nutrition, and parenting.

Health and wellbeing is affected by all aspects of a person’s life; economic status, education, housing, the physical environment in which people live and work. People in Waterford City will have better access to services provided locally by the HSE and other partners.

For further information about Sláintecare visit



Works commence on new City Centre Community and Cultural hub

Waterford City and County Council has commenced works on the creation of a new community and cultural hub in the heart of Waterford Cultural Quarter.

With funding of €651,654 awarded through the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF), the repurposing of 16-18 Barker Place on O’Connell Street, will result in a creative multi-purpose venue for community and educational use.

It is expected that the development will vastly contribute to the overall vibrancy of the city and its Cultural Quarter. 

The building is earmarked to provide local facilities and a venue for migrant services, adult education, a community and performance facility, and foster entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation and employment for communities living and working in Waterford.

Works are currently underway with renovations due to be completed in Spring 2023.

Katherine Collins, Waterford Cultural Quarter Project Manager commented, “The importance of this facility in Waterford Cultural Quarter cannot be overstated.

“The Community and Cultural Hub will be used by residents, creatives, educators, and students of the O’Connell Street area, as well as the people of Waterford City and County as a space to get information and support, to meet up in groups and to learn and explore creative skills.

“Celebrating the different cultures present in our region will be a large focus of the Hub and we look forward to welcoming the community in the coming months.”

Waterford Cultural Quarter is a culture-led urban regeneration project based in the O’Connell Street area of Waterford city. Its vision is to deliver inclusive and sustainable innovation and growth for the cultural and creative sectors and has six priorities including developing excellent buildings and public realm as well as supporting collaboration and place-making.

This is the first of 22 City Centre regeneration projects that has been awarded funding under the URDF, with total funding for the regeneration projects coming to almost €28 million.

Work to the remaining projects are progressing and are at various stages through site assembly, survey work and preparation of planning applications.

For more information about Waterford Cultural Quarter visit


Scéim Urraíochta Timpealláin Dhún Garbhán 2023

Tá scéim á cur i bhfeidhm ag Comhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge chun urraíocht a dhéanamh ar thimpealláin timpeall ár gcathair agus ár gcontae. Tá an Chomhairle ag iarraidh teagmháil a dhéanamh le gnólachtaí agus le heagraíochtaí ar mian leo feabhas a chur ar thimpeallacht thógtha na cathrach agus an chontae agus tairbhe a bhaint as deiseanna fógraíochta a bheidh á dtairiscint ar thimpealláin roghnaithe.

Is féidir le gach iarratasóir tairiscint a dhéanamh le haghaidh timpealláin amháin nó níos mó. Glacfar le hiarratais chomhpháirteacha freisin i gcás inar mian le dhá ghnólacht nó níos mó nó le dhá eagraíocht nó níos mó urraíocht a dhéanamh ar thimpeallán i gcomhpháirt. Sa chás go bhfaightear roinnt tairiscintí le haghaidh timpeallán ar leith, bronnfar an urraíocht ar an tairiscint is airde.


  • Baineann an tairiscint áirithe seo le timpealláin ar bhóithre poiblí i gceantar Dhún Garbhán.
  • Tá na timpealláin suite ar Sheachbhóthar Dhún Garbhán an N25 agus timpeallán amháin ar Bhóthar Chósta an R675 ag Baile an Rodaigh.
  • Mairfidh an urraíocht ar feadh tréimhse cúig bliana, a thosóidh i mí Eanáir 2023.
  • Is é an dáta is déanaí chun cumarsáid a fháil maidir leis an tairiscint seo ná: 4:00n. ar an Aoine, 11 Samhain 2022.
  • Is é an dáta deiridh chun tairiscintí comhlánaithe a fháil ná: 4:00n. ar an Aoine, 18 Samhain 2022.

Doiciméid Tairisceana
Tá an doiciméad iomlán tairisceana, léarscáil, faisnéis faoi tháillí, sonraíochtaí, foirm tairisceana srl. ar fáil anseo sa DOICIMÉAD TAIRISCEANA. (Béarla)

Ní mór teachtaireachtaí maidir leis an Tairiscint nó iarratais ar shoiléiriú a sheoladh chuig: Anthony Russell, Oifigeach Riaracháin, An Rannóg Comhshaoil, Comhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge, Oifigí Cathartha, Dún Garbhán, Co. Phort Láirge.


Is é an dáta is déanaí chun cumarsáid a fháil maidir leis an tairiscint seo ná: 4:00i.n. ar an Aoine, 11 Samhain 2022. 

Cuirfear gach ceist agus gach freagra a thagann as sin ar shuíomh gréasáin na Comhairle.

Road closures / flooding in Waterford

Following heavy overnight rain, the following roads are affected by surface water and flooding:

  • N72 – closed from Rockfield Junction to Cappagh
  • Military Road (N72) – closed from Ballyneety Cross to Master McGrath Monument
  • Road to Clashmore at Whitechurch is closed
  • Significant flooding on the Clonmel Road at Kilmanahan – road closed