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Uisce Éireann to help Waterford businesses make savings through more sustainable use of water



94% of Irish SMEs plan to increase or maintain their investment in sustainability

July 28 2023 – Nine out of 10 Irish Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) plan to maintain or increase investment in sustainability practices and solutions in the next 12 months to meet what many see as a growing consumer appetite for more sustainable products and services, according to the bi-annual Uisce Éireann SME Sustainability Sentiment Survey.

The majority (73%) intend to maintain current levels of investment, while over 1 in 5 expect to increase their spend in this area.

Satisfying customers’ desire for more sustainable products and services is now the second (43%) most important key driver influencing SME decision-making on investment in sustainability, ranking behind achieving cost savings (55%). More than half of Irish SMEs (52%) believe operating a sustainable business attracts more customers.

While 72% of SMEs continue to identify cost concerns and rising costs as the stand-out barrier to investing more in sustainability practices, three out of ten state a lack of information on sustainability practices and lack of Government support (45%) as problematic barriers. The survey found the majority of Irish SMEs (64%) are not aware or not sure where to access supports including information and financial guidance to achieve sustainability savings.

Commenting, Geoffrey Bourke, Business Operations Manager at Uisce Éireann, said: “The B&A research shows Irish SMEs fully realise the importance of offering sustainable products and services to their customers, with the vast majority planning to continue investing to introduce sustainable practices and solutions.

“However, the survey also found they feel there is a lack of guidance for businesses around sustainability, with nearly seven out of ten not aware or not sure where to access supports.”

Uisce Éireann offers a suite of easy-to-access and free initiatives to help SMEs reduce costs and become more sustainable when it comes to their use of water, including its first-of-its-kind-globally Water Stewardship Programme and Annual Certification Scheme.

Geoffrey added: “Uisce Éireann understands the concerns and challenges facing SMEs and this summer we commenced writing to all our 180,000 commercial customers, detailing their projected water costs and advising how they can achieve savings while also conserving water and becoming more sustainable. There is growing awareness among SMEs about the value of water to their business and the potential savings that can be made to their bottom line by becoming more water-aware.

“We also host a suite of free initiatives to help SMEs to thrive by reducing their costs and becoming more sustainable in their water use. These include our Water Stewardship Training Programme which helps organisations lower their water use, our Annual Certification Scheme, and the Uisce Éireann water conservation pledge, which enable businesses to demonstrate their commitment to water sustainability and avail of the great free resources on our website.

“We would encourage all SMEs to visit to find out how they can help conserve water and reduce costs.”

Conducted by Behaviour and Attitudes (B&A), the Uisce Éireann SME Sustainability Sentiment Survey interviewed over 350 SMEs, seeking their opinion on the importance of investing in sustainability for their businesses and customers and examining the barriers and that currently exist to investment in the area.

Mayor of Waterford supports ‘Love This Place’ campaign



Last month, Leave No Trace (LNT), Ireland’s only outdoor ethics programme, which promotes the responsible use of the outdoors launched its fourth National Awareness Campaign urging the public to enjoy our outdoor spaces (including parks, open countryside, and beaches) with care and respect to protect wildlife and fragile natural ecosystems.

Members of the public are urged to make a Promise to #LoveThisPlace, confirming their love of the outdoors with simple, positive actions to protect and respect outdoor spaces.

This year’s campaign culminates in a day of environmental action on National ‘Love This Place’ Day on Friday, July 28th, which coincides with World Nature Conservation Day.

Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Joe Conway voiced his support for the campaign.  “Each of us, with minor changes to our attitudes and actions, can make a big difference.  By taking litter home or binning it, practicing responsible dog ownership and committing to respecting and protecting our environment and cultural heritage, we will all derive the benefits of our outdoor spaces and recreational areas.

“These small changes will lead to significant positive results and help improve our environment and biodiversity, as well as our physical and mental well-being.”

Ella Ryan, Environmental Awareness Officer with Waterford City and County Council, added “The Love this Place campaign runs throughout the summer months, but we should love our places and spaces 365 days of the year.  The Love this Place campaign sets out simple guidelines for us all to help keep Ireland litter free, to protect our wildlife, protect our land and coast and to embrace our island and cultural heritage.  All it takes is small individual changes to make a significant collective difference for the better.”

Further information and guidance for individuals, communities and organisations is available from


Images (WCCC):

Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Joe Conway, Dawn Wallace and Ella Ryan, Environment Department, Waterford City and County Council with Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Joe Conway

Commercial Rates Energy Discount Scheme back for 2023



As part of Waterford City and County Council’s objective to deliver a carbon neutral Waterford by 2040, the Local Authority is re-introducing its Commercial Rates Energy Discount Scheme, to support and enable businesses and service providers to transition to carbon neutrality.

Following its success in 2022, which saw 1,000 businesses across Waterford take advantage of the scheme, the Local Authority’s Climate Action team is once again seeking to engage with businesses in an assessment of their energy usage and to identify opportunities for savings and explore the potential of renewable energy.

Businesses are invited to register to complete an energy audit or an energy self-assessment.  An audit or assessment will help businesses identify energy saving opportunities and avail of an 8% rates reduction.

Climate Action Officer with Waterford City and County Council, Grainne Kennedy said, “In Waterford, businesses account for 24.6% of emissions, the majority of those coming from energy use.  By being more aware of energy saving opportunities and exploring renewable energy options, businesses can not only save money, but they can effect real change by adopting a sustainability strategy and reducing carbon emissions.

“Collectively, these changes have the potential to achieve a positive impact for businesses across Waterford.

“1,000 businesses in Waterford undertook energy awareness training last year and made real changes such as transforming operations through the energy saving opportunities that were identified, thus, increasing resilience and gaining the benefits of the green transition.”

One such business to effect real change is Molloy’s Butchers Ardkeen.  Taking a multi-faceted approach, Molly’s Butchers Ardkeen has introduced a wide range of sustainable changes such as ensuring all of their outgoing packaging is either recyclable or compostable where possible, and the company has worked in partnership with BioBag Ireland in developing a new beeswax alternative to clingfilm, thus closing the circle on compostable packs.

According to Keith Molloy, Proprietor of Molloy’s Butchers Ardkeen, “We incentivise customers to bring their own reusable containers when buying their meat to avoid the need for single-use bags and containers.  Our customers can currently save 25% on their order when they bring their own container.  Having engaged qualified energy consultants, all storage and display refrigeration have been upgraded and all our light fittings have also been upgraded to LED.”

Keith added, “Molloy’s Butchers Ardkeen has been making changes in our business in line with our commitment to sustainability for over 10 years.  Through our sustainability efforts, we hope to inspire other businesses across all industries to adopt small changes that really can make a big difference.”

The scheme is open to businesses whose annual rate bill is less than €10,000 or who operate in the hospitality industry. These businesses will be eligible to receive a rates energy discount of 8% once they have either uploaded evidence of the Energy Audit by Friday, September 29th, 2023.  For those who have been unable to secure an audit, they can still avail of the discount by carrying out an Energy Self-Assessment.

To avail of the discount accounts must also be fully paid by 23:55pm on 29th September 2023 or are in an agreed Direct Debit payment plan. The credit will be applied after the deadline once the requirements have been met.

Businesses can register by visiting

Image attached:

John Traynor, Teresa Clancy, Bridget Kennedy, Hazel Molloy and Johnny Byrnes of Molloy’s Butchers Ardkeen

Significant river works commence on Sustainable Transport Bridge



A significant milestone was reached in the progress of the Sustainable Transport Bridge this week as BAMs construction barge ‘Skerchi’ was towed into place to commence piling works for the four bridge pier foundations.

The piers require construction of a cofferdam, a watertight enclosure to allow construction work below the waterline. The cofferdams will be created by driving interlocking piles through the bed of the River Suir to form the watertight enclosures. The water is then pumped out of the cofferdam so the construction of the pier foundations can commence.

Commenting on the operation, Senior Engineer with Waterford City and County Council, Sean Dobbs said, “Accuracy is a critical factor in the pile driving process.  To achieve such precision, site engineers are surveying precise positions and are in constant radio contact with the bargemaster.

“Temporary ‘spud’ piles will be initially driven, and a guide frame attached to guide the driving of permanent piles.  Once the permanent piles have been driven, the temporary ‘spud’ piles are removed, the barge is realigned, and the process repeats until the cofferdam is complete.”

The ‘Skerchi’ is currently anchored on the south side of the river to create a stable working platform, as a 250 tonne crane drives steel piles into the riverbed.  The barge will then be towed by tugboat to the north side of the river to create the cofferdams for the two piers on the north side. This will allow river navigation to continue along the central navigation channel.

The Sustainable Transport Bridge will connect the North Quays to heart of the city centre, providing access for pedestrians, bicycles, and a courtesy bus service.

The Waterford North Quays Project received approval for investment of €170.6m from the Government (URDF providing investment of €100.6m and the NTA providing investment of €70m) in November 2022.  The transformative project will create a sustainable modern mixed-use development that will harness and extend Waterford’s city centre, whilst reinstating the primacy of the river by creating a compact and vibrant core centred on the River Suir.

Updates on the project will continue to be available on the project website, project newsletters and Waterford City and County Council social media platforms.

Images attached: Construction barge ‘Skerchi’ on the River Suir

Link: Drone footage of BAMs ‘Skerchi’ barge being towed on the River Suir.

Waterford Council Lifeguards go Blue for World Drowning Prevention Day

85 People drowned in Ireland in 2022.  Help reduce these numbers by following the basic principles for staying safe in and around water.

  1. Swim at Lifeguarded waterways.
  2.  If you cannot get to a lifeguarded waterway, swim where it is traditionally known to be safe and where ringbuoys are available.
  3. Always swim and stay within your depth.
  4. Children should always be supervised in or around water.
  5. Never use inflatable toys on open water
  6. Never mix alcohol with water based activities.
  7. Never swim in quarries or reservoirs
  8. When boating always wear a correctly fitted life jacket and carry a means of communication.
  9. To escape a Rip Current swim parallel to the shore.
  10. In an emergency dial 112 and ask for the coastguard.

Mark World Drowning Prevention Day by doing one thing, improving one thing and adding one thing. Learn one water safety skill. Share one piece of water safety advice. Change one mind about safety around water. Be the one who takes responsibility, because for someone at risk of drowning, your one thing could mean the world.


For further information visit

Hello, Konnichiwa Waterford





An early start as Waterford Walls Festival wows visitors with a massive fifty foot street art mural!

Waterford Walls, Ireland’s leading street art festival, is thrilled to announce a captivating addition to its 2023 event – a striking mural painting by none other than the renowned UK artist, Dan Kitchener aka DANK. Taking centre stage at the iconic Fitzwilton Hotel on Bridge Street, this large-scale masterpiece promises to enchant and captivate both locals and visitors alike.

Waterford Walls has long been celebrated for its commitment to urban transformation through vibrant street art, providing a unique platform for artists to unleash their creativity on the city’s walls. This year’s festival promises to be no exception, as the addition of Dan Kitchener’s mural elevates the artistic landscape to new heights.

Dan Kitchener, a world-renowned street artist and muralist, has gained international acclaim for his awe-inspiring urban artworks that blend dynamic realism with captivating scenes. His distinct style, characterised by vibrant colours and breathtaking lighting effects, has left an indelible mark on cityscapes across the globe.

The Fitzwilton Hotel, who is no stranger to street art, has graciously offered its 15 metre high wall to serve as the canvas for Dan Kitchener’s latest masterpiece. The striking mural is set to portray a traditional Japanese scene that depicts a porcelain geisha and the magic of Asia.

The Waterford Walls Festival is set to take place from 11-20th August at various locations across the city and county, featuring a diverse lineup of over 26 national and international artists who will grace the walls with their extraordinary talent. Waterford Walls is sponsored by Writers’ Tears Irish Whiskey and supported by the Arts Council of Ireland and Waterford City and County Council.

Join us in celebrating the magic of art as Waterford Walls Festival and Dan Kitchener weave a spellbinding tapestry of urban transformation. Follow the festival’s social media channels and website for updates on the event schedule and additional artist announcements.

Mayor of Waterford City and County launches the Community Playful Streets Program

Mayor of Waterford City and County Cllr. Joe Conway attended a unique project in Portlaw.

Community Playful Streets are being rolled out through the Waterford City and County Council section under initiatives from the Healthy Ireland strategy.

This was one of Mayor Conway’s first outings since recently being elected and he said  “I was privileged to have been asked to come to the Playful Streets evening in Portlaw.  I met a great bunch of children and their enthusiastic parents, all of whom responded engagingly with Waterford Council’s espousal of the initiative.

The main thrust of “Playful Streets” is to get children to play together safely outdoors – and leaving the couches, TVs, phones and video games to one side.  In doing so, we will build a stronger, more inclusive, child-friendly community.

We hope in the Council to have many more such events in the coming months all over the city and county. Special endorsement for all those parents and helpers who cooked with smashing BBQ food and monitored activities.”

Cllr. Declan Clune was delighted to the response of the community saying, “We are really happy how the event went. We would like this to be a regular event now and give areas a further sense of belonging and knowing your neighbour.”

Resident association member, Leanne Simpson was also delighted with the response. “We didn’t expect such a response, the street came alive with activity and people came from everywhere to lend a hand. I would like to thank Eamon O Leary our estate manager, the mayor, our local councillor  Declan Clune, and most importantly the residents and children who took part. Our chef Philip kept the crowds full and looking for more.”

Eoin Morrissey from Waterford City and County Council Community Section added, “Over 15 events are planned with many completed already this summer. It’s a great way for community to work on a project together which is manageable and shows the benefits of play and social interaction as well as several other tangible benefits.”

Recruitment : Assistant Scientist

Waterford City & County Council invites applications from suitably qualified candidates who wish to be considered for the position of Assistant Scientist, working with the National Agricultural Inspections Programme (NAIP) on a 3 Year Fixed Term Contract.

Completed application forms must be emailed to  clearly stating the position applied for in the subject line no later than 4p.m. on Thursday, 10th August, 2023.

RSA’s Interactive Road Safety Shuttle visits Waterford this week



        In conjunction with a Local Community Safety Partnership initiative, the Road Safety Authority (RSA) has announced that its Interactive Road Safety Shuttle will travel to Waterford this coming week. This mobile interactive unit, designed to educate and engage the public on road safety, will be stationed at various locations in Waterford from 26th-28th July 2023.

What is the Shuttle?
The RSA Interactive Road Safety Shuttle is a cutting-edge initiative that aims to provide the general public and other target audiences with an immersive experience, raising awareness about critical road safety issues. Equipped with the latest simulations and immersive VR technologies, the Shuttle focuses on addressing killer behaviours on our roads such as speeding, driver distraction, fatigue, driving under the influence, and other important road safety concerns.

Visitors will have the opportunity to test their driving skills and reaction times on car simulators, as well as experience real-life situations, such as avoiding distractions in busy traffic or staying awake during late-night drives. Cyclists can also participate and improve their knowledge of road rules using the surround screen simulator, while a similar motorcycle simulator offers valuable insights into a biker’s perspective on the road.

Local Community Safety Partnership Coordinator, Eddie Mulligan emphasized the learning aspects of the Shuttle, stating :

“The RSA Interactive Road Safety Shuttle presents a unique opportunity for our community to actively engage in road safety education. We’re very glad to see people in Waterford getting this opportunity. By participating in the interactive simulations, we can all gain valuable insights into the dangers of bad behaviour on the roads. Our message is that road safety is a shared responsibility, and together we can make a difference in reducing accidents and saving lives.”

During the shuttle’s Waterford visit, the Road Safety Educators, a team of qualified teachers, will be present, leading the sessions and introducing participants to the VR experiences. They will be available throughout the session to discuss all aspects of road safety and address any queries attendees may have.

Waterford Local Community Safety Partnership Chair, Seán Aylward, further commented on the opportunity afforded by the visit of the RSA Interactive Road Safety Shuttle’s in Waterford, saying:

“With the concerning rise in road traffic accidents, the need for proactive safety initiatives is critical. These events present an great opportunity for our community to actively engage in road safety education and witness firsthand the potential dangers on our roads. The need for such initiatives is underscored by provisional fatality statistics for 2022, indicating a concerning rise in accidents. As of 1st June 2023, the RSA Research Department highlights the urgency for road safety awareness and action. I urge everyone to attend and be part of the collective effort to foster road safety awareness in Waterford.”

Shuttle Event Details

  • Wednesday, 26th July 2023 – Dungarvan Davit’s Quay Car Park (Across Civic Offices)
  • Thursday, 27th July 2023 – Waterford City, Bolton Street Car Park
  • Friday, 28th July 2023 – Tramore Promenade Car Park
  • Times: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Funding Increase for Repair and Lease Scheme

Waterford City & County Council are delighted to announce that the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage have confirmed that the maximum funding available under the Repair and Leasing Scheme has been increased from €60,000 to €80,000, including VAT, per unit.

This funding increase provides for recent cost increases and will allow even more vacant properties to be brought back into use. The Repair and Lease Scheme is complimentary to the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant that is available for owner-occupiers and private rental.

Please contact the Vacant Homes Team in Waterford City & County Council for more information on

Public Chess Boards installed in Waterford’s historic Cathedral Square



Waterford’s Cathedral Square was abuzz with excitement today as the City & County Council unveiled a series of public chess boards, funded by the Fáilte Ireland Destination Towns initiative.

Coinciding with World Chess Day, members of the Waterford Chess Club were on hand to try out the new equipment, marking an exciting addition to the larger chess installation in the square.

Nestled in the heart of the city centre, Cathedral Square has long been a favoured spot for social gatherings and festivals, and it is hoped the new public chess boards will offer visitors a unique and enjoyable experience, complementing the city’s rich cultural heritage.

Project Manager with Waterford City & County Council, Ali Jay, commented:

“For tourists and local clubs alike, we hope the chess boards provide an opportunity to enjoy an intellectually stimulating game amidst the city’s scenic beauty, adding a unique touch to their visit.”

The tables were made by Keating Fabrication, a local firm who also made the planters on the square.

Chess and draughts pieces are available from the nearby Medieval Museum for a deposit.